Chapter 5

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The king fell. Everyone in the city was full of sadness. His body was covered with a black blanket with little gold lines and full of red and dark pink roses around it and one of them was on the man's head. Viren was leading while a woman with long caramel hair and grey eyes and with some sleeveless white robe over a burgundy tunic, both of which were accented with gold outlines and the former having a hood that is constantly seen over her head was holding a torch behind him. "A funeral so soon is madness! It is a tradition to mourn fallen kings for seven sunsets! You've not even given him one!"

"I understand your concern, Opeli. But in a time of war, we must move forward!" The High Mage sped up and started walking faster, a bit away from the woman so he could avoid the conversation.

Viren, Soren, Claudia, Opeli, some girls with white cloaks, and the dead king were walking a little further from the castle. The 2 siblings were behind anyone else. The blonde was very tired after the long fight that happend last night and yawned.

"Hey, keep your head up!" The teen mage advised her brother.

"Ugh, sorry, long night." The royal guard said.

Claudia took out from her pocket a little cup and poured a hot brown potion in it."I call it 'hot brown morning potion'!" The boy looked at the cup, smelled it, and took a sip. He started laughing."That's good!"

Claudia sighed. "I wish Harrow didn't die...Adora and the boys loved him so much, I remember how funny and nice moments they had together. They would be broken and would drown the city in tears! Remember when Callum and Adora found out that Sarai died? Adora didn't eat for a whole week...I am so sorry for them. I can't imagine how they will find out. PLUS, How am I gonna tell Adora and Callum? They are my best friends!! I don't wanna hurt them..."

"They will get over it," Soren said while taking another sip of the brown potion. "If Adora got over the Queen, she will get over the King too."

"Soren! You are being rude!" The sister gave an angry look at his brother, who was just drinking the potion with his eyes closed. The blonde noticed that the girl wasn't happy about his choice of words, so he opened one eye while still drinking it.

"Look, Adora is strong and Ezran and Callum too. They all three will get over it. I don't see why Adora and Callum would suffer. Adora is adopted and Harrow was Callum's step-dad. I just think that the most hurt person from all of them would be Ezran!" Soren said.

"Soren! That's so rude and disrespectful! You can't say this stuff about our friends! I think you drank too much morning potion for today. " Claudia grabbed the grey cup from her brother's hand.

Finally, they got to a place in front of a lake, where some statues of ex. kings and queens were standing on some mini-towers. They placed the body in front of the public, so they can start the funeral. The High Mage began his speech.

"Today we woke to a devastating truth. Our king has been taken from us." The crowd gasped at Viren's words but soon silenced, letting him continue," Slain by the forceps of Xadia, vile Moonshadow elves. To me, he was more than a king. In his final hours, Harrow called me...his brother." The mage was about to speak again, but a woman's voice interrupted, which was Opeli's. Viren turned his head to the female, so he could let her know that he was listening to what she was about to say." Wait, where are the princes and the princess? They need to be here!" The man turned his head back, with a sad and fake face. "The princes and the princess...are dead."

The humans started exclaiming. They couldn't believe what they just heard. The woman with caramel hair was also shocked. Maybe Callum and Ezran, because they are humans and don't know how to fight, but Adora? Why would they kill an elf of their kind?

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