Chapter 04 // Idols and Enemies // Daily Life

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As a warning, Wattpad is currently having issues loading images so me know if you can't see them and I'll describe what they're supposed to be.

Sorry this part is a little shorter than usual! Make sure you read the last one, I posted two parts today lol.

Waking up as me, Akari Aokichi, is like pressing a big, red, shiny button.

All the despair and heartache from the day before is immediately wiped clean. It's like I don't care about anything that happened more than 12 hours ago.

I woke up to find a note had been slipped under my door.

Akari. Please meet me in the bar area in the underground museum. It's the second floor, room three. I have important things to tell you. I hope to see you there!

"Pshh! No way am I doing that!" I said to myself, scrunching up the paper and throwing it in the trashcan in the corner of the room.

I walked out to the restaurant, but it was completely empty, unlike usual. I had at least expected Otoha to be sitting in the same chair as every morning, but she wasn't there.

However, I then remembered the events of the day before. It makes sense that nobody had shown up here after what was said. In fact, I don't really expect to be running into anyone much from now on. Brittany and Makena aren't really friends anymore, Shin probably locked himself in his room to stay safe...

It's really just me and Fuyuko who still want to be friends! In that spirit, I decided to pay her a visit. I knocked on her door, and she answered quickly.

"Oh, Akari." She said. "Um...can I help you?"

"Just saying hi. Us girls have to stick together, after all! Especially since everyone else is refusing to cooperate, right?"

"Uh...yeah. I agree." She seemed almost surprised to be speaking to me. "So, shall we get some breakfast?" She suggested.

"Let's go!"

"So, what have you been up to?" I said as we walked.

"Just reflecting on things. This is my second killing game, so it's been a lot." She said, a little wary of me. "Are you okay? After yesterday?"

"Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? Are you doing okay?"

She paused a little and looked at me strangely. "Um...yeah, I'm fine. Just kind of annoyed that our unity pact lasted all of one day..." She sighed.

We led each other down to the restaurant and sat down. "So now that the pact has fallen apart, what do you think of Monokuma's claim that one of us is the leader of that group..?"

She sighed. "I don't want to dignify his claim by theorising about it. I don't think any of us are viable candidates for that position."

"Well, you didn't think any of the people in your game were viable for that position either." I pointed out.

"That's...fair." She sighed, resting her head in her palm and leaning on the table.

"I'm sorry. Do you have any other thoughts about how we ended up here?"

She sighed again. "I've been thinking about this for a while, but there must be some kind of a connection between the participants of this game, as there was in the previous games." She theorised.

"What do you mean, connection?"

"In my game, we had all been friends when Chikako took advantage of us. The next game, they were classmates. In both scenarios, their minds were wiped."

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