Chapter 05 // Experience and Lack Thereof // Daily Life

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"Team! Building! Exercise!" Akari said, ending her presentation and punctuating each word with a flourish.

"Woo!!" Harmony said, clapping and cheering from the table she shared with Dissonance, who was sulking like a teenager.

"And that's how we'll get Harmony and Dissonance into our group!" She exclaimed, looking at the six of us proudly.

"What kind of exercises?" Fuyuko asked.

"Maybe trust falls..." She suggested, to the overlapping objections of Dissonance, Ryozo and myself. "Okay! Okay! storytime?"

"What kinds of stories?" Dissonance inquired.

"Uhh...personal experiences and stuff!"

"Literally not possible. Next." They said.

"No! I like that one!" Harmony insisted, running over to where Akari was standing. She shook her hand enthusiastically. "It's very nice to meet you, Akari. Do you have any interesting stories?"

"Why yes, I do!" Akari gleamed, still shaking her hand. "Would you like to hear it?"

"Naturally!" Harmony replied.

Dissonance and I caught each other's eyes, and gave each other a look which said "There's two of them?"

Akari had finally met someone to match her energy levels. How...horribly annoying.

But I guess it's good that she's making friends, and her and Harmony seem like they'll get along really well. I have to remember to look on the bright side of things.

"Stop." Said Dissonance. "Okay...I won't be doing any team building activities, but I do have something to show you guys."

"How do we know you aren't working with Monokuma, and that this isn't just an elaborate way to get a motive?" Ryozo said. It was still unusual to hear him talking.

"Well, I've been having communication with "Ms Sakakibara" for a long time now, and she's still alive." They said, annoyed at being doubted.

Ryozo grumbled annoyances to himself.

"I think this could be interesting." Said Shin. "What is this thing you have to show us?"

"If you'll follow me, I'll show you." They stood up, walking to the end of the restaurant. They turned around. "Well?" They said impatiently.

Harmony ran towards them and the rest of us quickly got up to try and keep pace. Akari was in such a rush she was running down the hall with toast in her mouth to try and keep up with her new best friend Harmony.

"I notice the way you're glaring at them both." Fuyuko said, walking next to me as we both watched Akari and Harmony getting on like a house on fire. "I don't like that look. Are you feeling jealous of Harmony?"

"What? Why would I be?" I replied.

"Cause despite being messed up and unhealthy, what you have with Akari is really a friendship. I get the feeling you don't have many of those."

"Geez, none taken." I said sarcastically.

"Sorry, you know what I mean."

"Yeah. Whatever. Them getting on isn't a huge deal." I sighed. "Just kinda annoying." I looked over at the two, who were deep in conversation, no doubt about something irrelevant. "Harmony doesn't seem like the smartest person ever. Not even a person."

"Hey, she's pretty damn human." Fuyuko said quickly. "And...yeah, she's kinda dumb. Can't argue with that."

"What do you think of Dissonance?" I asked her. That made her falter. Guess I haven't lost my touch for catching her out.

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