Chapter 04 // Idols and Enemies // Daily Life

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It was a quiet morning, and I spent it with Otoha in the restaurant again. Me and her had a quick conversation, but I was so excited about the party I just couldn't concentrate!

We parted ways as normal, and I decided to go for a quick walk to pass the time.

I saw Shin at the end of the hall. "Hey! Shin!"I tried to wave him down. When he looked up at me, he seemed to be scared.

He was standing strangely, with completely different body language than usual, and without a word he disappeared around the corner.

"Shin?" I tried to chase him. I followed him around the corner, but he was running really fast. A challenge!

I sprinted as I saw him round the corner, but he escaped out of the resort and began running towards the small village.

I lost track of him for a second, and began by checking for him in every building, starting with the swimming pool. "Shiiiin? What are you doing?" I said, but he wasn't anywhere in the changing area.

I didn't find Shin anywhere in the whole village, but I did bump into Brittany in the small clinic. "Good morning. Have you seen Shin?" I asked her.

"Shin? I don't think so..." She said. "Why?"

"No reason..." This was a strange situation, indeed. I'll have to do an apt level of investigation during the party later on. "Anyways, what's up?" I sat down on the bed.

"Not much." She said. "I'm just thinking of ways to be more independent, like you said."

"Well, why not start by having fun at the party tonight?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I guess." She sighed. "I just wanna prove to Makena that I can be my own person, y'know? I feel like she doesn't trust me to handle myself!"

"You can do it! Just put yourself out there, make yourself a force to be reckoned with!" I pumped my fist. This seemed to encourage her some.

"You know what? Yeah, I will!" She jumped to her feel. "I can totally be my own boss! I did it for years before the game, why should I let Makena tell me what to do?"

"Yeah! You can do it!"

"You know, I never expected to be taking advice from you, Akari. But you're...not so bad."

Not so bad! That's a success!!

I wandered the new area for the rest of the day, spending time wondering what the party will be like!

Around 5pm, my HandScout rang out with a message from Harmony.

Harmony: The event hall is now prepared for the party! You will find suitable attire in your bedrooms! Enjoy!

I squealed with excitement and ran back to my room to find the outfit Harmony had picked out for me. Folded nearly on the bed was a sage green suit, white shirt, and black tie.

I put the suit on excitedly and looked at myself in the mirror, admiring how the suit looked. Of course, I was still carrying my katana with me, but it paired well with the suit. A cohesive image of a girl who was her life together!

Immediately, I ran down to the event hall and I was the first person there. It was a small-scale party, since there were only a few people expected to attend, but it still looked nice. There was music playing quietly in the background, and a long table covered with party food and bottles of sparkling water.

"Thanks, Harmony!" I shouted, tapping my feet excitedly. A smile plastered on my face, I danced with myself.

I looked around the hall, chasing the moving colourful lights on the floor, and admired the atmosphere of the place.

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