Chapter 05 // Experience and Lack Thereof // Deadly Life

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>this song...
>it's ending...
>this over
>harmony.script has been halted awaiting further instructions

The vomiting came very shortly after. As I expelled the contents of my stomach onto the floor, I heard the body discovery announcement.

Akari screamed in horror and jumped backwards, and Fuyuko was too shocked to utter a word.

"Why is it pink." I heard Shin repeating to himself as the three of us panicked.

"Who cares if it's pink! I got some in my mouth!!!" Screeched Akari, spitting on the ground. "Ew! Ew! Ew!"

We were so focused on the absolute visceral horror of having blood and gore all over us, we didn't properly register who was propped up in the corner of the room.

Even though her head was missing, it was Harmony. Her body laid still, both hands clutched into fists and legs splayed out as if she had tensed up just as it happened.

"Oh God..." Fuyuko whispered to herself.

At that moment, Dissonance and Ryozo both burst into the games room. Ryozo seemed undisturbed as usual, but Dissonance was a different story entirely.

Immediately their face turned to rage, so much so that they almost appeared to turn red. They ran up to Fuyuko and began pushing and intimidating her.

"What the fuck, Fuyuko?!" They shouted, pushing her into a wall. "I asked you to do one simple thing!"

Fuyuko still seemed too startled to actually respond.

"Freckles, relax." Ryozo said, pulling them back by the collar. "This reaction seems unusual. Aren't you more, I don't know, upset?"

They scoffed. "It's just a minor setback for now. You wouldn't get it. It's just inconvenient."

"Minor setback? I think being headless is a bit more than minor..." Akari said. "Harmony...I liked Harmony!!"

Dissonance glared at her, and then Monokuma showed himself.

"Puhuhu!! What a despairing twist! The victim of this case is one of our brand new participants!" He chuckled. "Not only that, but someone has died before the end of the time limit, so my offer no longer stands!"

"Your offer?" Shin said. "So the game will continue?"

"Puhuhu! Looks like it!" He laughed.

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