Chapter 00 // Harmony and Dissonance

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>open memhelp.txt
>displaying memhelp.txt as plaintext 12pt Arial

File type 3 - .mem
.mem files (short for memory) are used in the data folders of AI programs, and they store memories of the AI. With a high level of administration permissions, these files can be edited and deleted, although frequent use of these permissions on .mem files belonging to advanced AI may cause emotional instability and require a full reboot (for information about reeboots, see reboothelp.txt).

.mem files are the main method of storing data for AI, and serve each AI's .script file directly. Using a .mem tool, it is possible to combine .mem folders, essentially combining AI. Doing this is not recommended and can often produce scripting, logic, and rendering errors resulting in erratic behaviour.

Management of .mem files should be left to-

>close memhelp.txt

>open folder "dissonance"
>"dissonance" is corrupted and cannot be opened

>open folder "harmony"
>opening "harmony"

>open november162030.mem

>start of log

"Here goes nothing."

Chapter 0

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Chapter 0

Harmony and Dissonance


"So, tell me more about those AI thingies you made." Chikako said, sitting on the floor of the endless void.

"You mean Harmony and Dissonance?" Said Nycas.

"Yeah, those! Just hurry up! I'm bored!" She demanded, sulking like a toddler.

"Haven't I already told you about them?"

"Well, you mentioned them both in your little story..." She traced her finger in a circle on the floor. "Tell me more about them."

"Fine. Harmony is a standard personal assistant AI, and Dissonance is a combat AI. I didn't quite finish Dissonance, but it's becoming very self aware already."

"Oh, yeah. You were the...Ultimate AI Programmer, right?" She said. "A real talent. All your friends had real talents, didn't they?"

"They did." He nodded in reply. "Well, everyone except Kotomi. When the two of us tried to enrol in Orion's Bow's Ultimate Program, she kept getting rejected. That was, until she took a flashback light from the Group. She even tried contacting one of the talent scouts for help, but I think she used the light before she got a reply..."

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