Chapter 05 // Experience and Lack Thereof // Daily Life

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Something's different.

The persistent feeling of being watched, which left me recently, has returned.

So, if you're reading my thoughts...the name's Chiyo Sakakibara. I'm 18 years old, and I'm the Ultimate Talent Scout. Where the hell have you been?

 Where the hell have you been?

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Chapter 05

Experience and Lack Thereof


I forced my eyes open once I realised I was finally awake. My last memory before I blacked out was tumbling over the balcony with a hole in my gut, so I rightfully assumed I must be in the afterlife.

"Morning, Yo-Yo!" Akari screamed in my face. I'm in Hell, then.

But, while having her screaming at me inches away from my face would normally provoke a slap, I was compelled to hug her.

But I held back.

"I'm sorry, Akari." I said quietly. "I'm...sorry for ruining everything. And I'm sorry for hurting you."

She looked back at me, as confused as I was that I had said that. "Oh. Thanks, but..." She paused for a few seconds. "I...don't forgive you." She said. "I'm still really mad at you, y'know?"

"I get it. I..."

"No, you don't have to explain yourself. I think I understand what happened." She nodded. "You...didn't have the support you needed."

"What?!" I said. "Why aren't you more mad at me?"

"Oh, I am mad." She said. "While you were out, Fuyuko and I spoke a lot. We discussed how much of an awful friend you were." She explained. "And I don't forgive you at all."

"I don't understand. What do you mean?" I asked, feeling inadequate as she towered over the end of my bed.

"You...the way you are isn't just your fault. That's what Fuyuko said. I's wrong to say you're completely innocent, cause you still chose to act negatively..." She said, sitting down on the end of the bed. "'ve been through a lot. And you didn't get the care you deserved. It's no wonder you're like this. So I'll tolerate you. But I won't let you get away with dangerous or manipulative things anymore." She declared.

"You're so different." I said to her. "And...refreshingly human-like."

"It's been a while..." She sighed. "And I promise, if you ever need to talk to someone, you can talk to me. Because we're friends, Yo-Yo."

I looked at the floor. "Um...thanks."

Into the infirmary walked Shin and Fuyuko.

"Oh. You're awake. How are you?" Fuyuko asked, acting strangely pleasant.

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