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The final slam of the front door alerts me that someone has finally stormed out. I groan rolling over in bed, attempting to untangle myself from the sheets trapping my legs. Digging my hand under my pillows I search for my phone to check the time.

2:36 in the damn morning.

I'm taken back to the nights of my childhood, things breaking outside my room and my father screaming obscenities into the black night. Nights where I hid under the blanket scared that my mommy was going to die. Nights so wicked, and dark enough to hide the rage deep within this house.

I cringe at the sound of my mother's vehicle starting and screeching away. She's running because she so sick of it all. She'll be back though, she always is. On nights when he's been drinking hard liquor and he gets a bit too loud a little too late at night, she always runs. By morning she's back and he's pleading for her forgiveness. She always gives in.

My door swings open, the handle smacking into the wall. I don't bother to pretend to be asleep, what's the point? I know he's here to yell at me.

"Why're you up so late!?" He demands, slurred and stumbling. I look at him, not speaking. His dark hair is misshapen, not in its perfect stiff business position. "Answer me!" He spits.

Dear old dad, so nice to me.

"Hard to sleep when you're throwing things and yelling." I mutter under my breath.

He seems to not hear me, probably due to his drunken state. When he's not drunk he's surprisingly pleasant. Loud sometimes but that just how he speaks, not really his fault I suppose.

"I'm so glad your fatass is leaving in the morning." His glazed eyes watch me as I sit on my bed, unmoving. I've been through this enough to know that I don't need to speak or move, I should barely even breathe. "You won't make it five minutes in that fucking place, what do you know about the real world!? The real world is going to kick your ass---" the longer he talks the easier it is to block him out.

It's the same speech ever since they agreed I could go to Australia. The I-won't-make-it speech because they never really wanted me to go in the first place. What I could never get them to understand is that I graduated a semester early strictly to get away. Sadly I didn't think about the fact that I am still underage so I have to listen to them and their rules, I had to okay the entire trip with them. It took five months and the only reason I get to go is because they were tired of dealing with me asking. And my birthday is in two months.

By the time I zone back in, clearing my head of the fog I drifted into I find my father laying passed out in the middle of my nearly bare bedroom. Rolling my eyes I hop up, dragging my sleep deprived self toward the bathroom.

Staring into the mirror I sigh. The dark splotches underneath my gray eyes won't seem to go away and the sleepless nights don't help. My dark hair falls in limp waves around my pale freckled face. I'm so peculiar. This 'me' isn't very interesting, it never has been, and I don't know how to change that. I don't know if I'll ever be able to change that.

a/n: This chapter sucked and was super boring and was a horrible introduction/: I'm so sorry. I hope you guys stick around, hopefully this story will get better. (P.s. Sorry for any typos) Thanks for reading! Love you guys<3

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