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Groaning I roll over greeting an empty bed, I sit up scanning the room as the loneliness slowly creeps over my skin. Pulling the thin blanket back I slide the note from the empty glass of water, rolling my eyes at your creativity.

I had some stuff to do, I'll be back soon. I would've woken you but you looked really cute sleeping. :)

A stupid grin forms on my lips and I hug the note to my chest in a girlish daze. I reread it several times before stacking it on the other notes you've given me.

Mikey, how cute.

I giggle out loud like a little schoolgirl, looking around quickly to ensure you haven't returned and heard me being a weirdo. Quickly raking some black denim shorts and an In This Moment tee together, I skip to the bathroom for a shower.

It's been hours and you still haven't returned. I've been pacing the living room for the last half hour and I'm beginning to panic. I don't know where you are or how long you've actually been gone, anything could've happened to you.

My hands tremble in my hair as I continue to pace, blowing out a breath I decide to do something to keep my mind off of you. But what? What could I do, there's absolutely nothing to do here!

Music, there's a basement full of music!

I jump on the realization, rushing down the basement stairs as quickly as possible. Everything looks like it did a few days ago, the stereo is still plugged in and CD's litter the floor. I pick out Nothing More's self-titled album struggling to get it in the player.

After at least five minutes of fighting with it I finally get it turning the volume up to unfathomable levels, loud enough to block out all thought. Letting out a deep sigh I plant myself in the enter of the room, laying down to stare up at the ceiling. I tuck my hands underneath my lower back, closing my eyes and humming the tune of all the songs.

I don't open my eyes again, not until the volume plummets. My eyes fly open and I sit up as quickly as I can, stretching my body around to face you. You've showered, you've shaved, you've boggled my mind.

You've returned!

The grin creeps over my face but your frown remains; I don't understand what I've done wrong.

"What the fuck are you doing?" You demand, brutally slamming the plastic sack onto a nearby table.

Stuttering, I back away from you. "I-I didn't know what else to do, you were gone and I didn't know when you'd be back." My pulse spikes and my brain scurries for an escape route. My only option is running up the stairs, but you're much taller than me with longer legs you'd catch up within seconds.

"I don't want you down here unless I bring you." Your eyes have become menacingly dark along with the scowl etched on your face.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry." I try to apologize and I even try to mean the apology, but you don't want to hear it.

You've cornered me, gripping my wrists painfully tight. "You didn't know, huh? You never fucking asked!" You growl, your face inches from mine. I cringe, yelping in pain. I have no idea what's so bad about me being down here.

Is there something you're hiding down here? Bodies maybe?

"Michael." I gasp with tears in my eyes, you seem to realize what you're doing immediately releasing me and backing away.

You're shaking your head back and forth until you hit the opposite wall. "Amethyst, shit I'm sorry." You run an uncertain hand through your hair. I notice it shaking. "Shit!" You sink slowly to the floor.

"Michael...?" I whisper, slowly approaching you. "Why can't I be down here without you?" You look up stunned that I'm speaking to you.

Without a word you rise, moving past me to dig through an old box on the other side of the stereo. "The bag on the table has some books in it, you said you like to read when you're happy and, and I thought you were getting happier..." You trail off and I pick through the bag.

The Great Gatsby, Dracula, Lord of the Rings, and Wuthering Heights.

"They're lovely. Gatsby and Dracula are some of my favorite books." I murmur letting my fingers run over the leather cover of Dracula.

"I was hoping you'd like them." You whisper returning to stand in front of me. I hold my breath waiting for you next move. "I saw this when you first got, uh, first run into town. I thought it was beautiful, like you." You present and envelope, long and orange.

"It's...great...?" I say slowly, accepting the horrible gift.

"No, no! Not the envelope! What's inside it."

I blush. "Oh." Popping open the sticky tab I dump the contents into my hand. A single ring, small with a thin silver band, lands in the palm of my hand. A tiny pearl sits as the centerpiece.

"It's simple with its beauty. It doesn't have to be flashy, it sits aside in elegance waiting to be handled with great care and love---"

"Like me?" I sigh looking up at you. "It's gorgeous, really, but I can't accept this." I slide the ring back into the envelope.

You crinkle your eyebrows at me, confused."Why not?"

"Because, I don't want your stuff---"

You interrupt me. "It's not mine, I got it for you."

"But I don't want you to buy me things." I groan.

"And what if I didn't buy it?" You snicker a devilish glimmer in your eye.

"You stole it?!"

You grin. "More like...found it." I roll my eyes annoyed with your stupidity.

"Still doesn't explain why I can't be down here without you. You blowing up like that was totally uncalled for!" I scold, resting my hands on my hips.

Sighing you place your hands on my shoulders. "I didn't want you to find it and freak out thinking I was going to force some weird marriage on you." I inhale sharply. Honestly that never crossed my mind, not once did I think you would make me do anything like that.

"Oh..." I exhale, watching you closely. I know I should be pissed about you getting so angry, maybe I should even be a little frightened. But I'm not. I don't care because in a way I understand your reasoning. You care way more than I think you do. Opening the envelop back up I remove the ring, sliding it carefully onto the first finger of my left hand. You smile silently thanking me.

"Well, since you've been gone all day I think I'm going to sleep." I tease poking your chest before turning to climb the stairs.

"Wait Amethyst, it's only six o'clock." You inform me smugly.

"Then I guess I'm napping." I shrug continuing my trek up.

You begin to follow me, stopping at the bottom of the steps. "Do you want me to join you?"

I glance over my shoulder at you. "Not now, Mikey." I smirk and despite my shooting you down you maintain a wide smile, lighting a flame within me that I didn't know existed. "Oh hey, by the way, do you think I could get a watch? You know, so I don't solely rely on you and the damn sun to keep up with time."

"Of course, I'll get you one as soon as I go into town again." You nod, draping your arm over the stair railing lazily.

"Good." I nod, spinning around on my heel to return to my room.

The minute I enter I'm smacked in the face with your scent. Collapsing on the bed only puffs the smell around more, my sheets smell like you. Danger and mint, a flavor I can sure grow accustom to.

I believe I already have, actually.

a/n: Shittacular chapter that took foreveeeeer! I'm so, so sorry guys. I finished this piece of garbage at 1:42am and I don't really have much to say now at 1:59am as I write this note thingy. Soooo thank you lovelies for reading I suppose and stay strong everyone, it's been a rough day today. Remember even a star has its darkest parts. (I think I've heard that somewhere... *shrug*) Anywho, have a good day/night/afternoon. Oh! I didn't proofread this at all so, sorry. ._.

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