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"Enlighten me on something, Am." You whisper, grazing your thumb over my hipbone. I grumble a "hmm" keeping my face buried comfortably in your pillows. "What were your other boyfriends like?" You're timid and awkward as the question spills from your mouth.

I snort a laugh, propping myself up on my elbow to look at you. "Seriously? Did you seriously just ask me that?"

"Should I not have?" Your eyes widen making me laugh harder.

"I just didn't think you cared, dork." I state, sitting up on the bed. You stare at me waiting for me to explain, I groan flopping back onto the pillows. "Fine, the first one was from high school. I was a junior, he was a senior you can guess how that ended. He wasn't a horrible guy, just you know, smarter than a naive girl." I shrug as best as I can while laying down.

I keep my eyes focused on the ceiling even as your hand snakes into mine and you speak. "I bet he was a dick." You murmur, turning just enough to bury your face in my neck.

"You would've thought so, yes." I snort. "The second guy though, I met him at a music festival. He was pretty bad. Everyone I knew hated him and didn't understand why I let him talk down to me all the time." Your hand tightens around mine and butterflies dance in my stomach, whether it's from you or my anxiety about the topic we're discussing I'll never know.

"How bad is bad?"

"Just...bad, okay?" I sigh, turning to face you. "Don't worry about it, really. I've made about a billion mistakes in my life but with you, it all fades to a detached memory. It's like being with you makes up for an eternity of horrible decisions."

You smile, slipping your hand in my messy hair. "I absolutely adore you." You mumble, milliseconds from kissing me when a burning pinch pricks my foot.

"Ow, shit." I gasp, jolting up in bed to inspect the cause of the pain.

"What's wrong?"

Tiny puncture holes stare me straight in the face, halting the breathing. "Spider bite..."

Your eyes widen and I know you're thinking of all the spiders that are poisonous, fatally poisonous. "What...?" You whisper, gently grazing your fingers over the bite.

I shake my head. "I could be wrong, maybe it's not---"

"Am..." You say softly, brokenly, "you have to go, we have to get you to a hospital."

"No, no it's fine, I'm fine---"

"You could die, Amethyst, and I won't let that happen. I have to take you back." Tears leak from your eyes, silently slipping down your cheeks as you look at me like it's the last time you'll ever see me.

I shake my head frantically, begging you to believe me. "Michael, I'm fine, really I'm okay." I try to rationalize it, I try to force everything in my mind to stop racing. I try to convince you that I don't need to go, that I can stay here with you and we will be fine.

But we won't be fine. I'm not fine. I can feel the muscles in my leg begin twitching and I can feel my blood pumping faster through my veins. I know if I don't go I will die and I know if I do go part of me will die. The part that has been with you, opened up to your love and kindness. If I leave you the happiness that I've gained here will be wiped clean.

Either way, I lose my life.

You scoop me up as gently as you can placing me in the same vehicle you brought me here in five and a half months ago. My eyes droop slightly. "Am, stay with me. Keep your eyes open." I struggle to follow your command, fighting against the poison and the fear of what's to come.

"How far?" I manage to croak.

You shake your head. "Not too far, just hold on darling." I smile weakly before gasping and cringing at the explosion of pain creeping up my limbs.

I'm fairly certain I've blacked out because I don't recall the car ride or the bearded men that assisted you. I remember helicopters blades and a lot of shouting. I remember the fear in your emerald eyes. Most importantly, I remember your lips on mine and after that, absolutely nothing but darkness.

It's such an alluring darkness, so incredibly black I'm not sure I want to wake up.

a/n: Hi guys! Ohmygosh it took me so long to write this and it wasn't even that good. *shrug* I'm sorry it took me so long, I had final exams and stuff. Ugh, I feel so bad that it took me so long to update and then I took it down and put it back up five thousand times. ):
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter at least a little bit /-\ and I really hope it made sense and wasn't like, too fast or whatever. ._. So yeah, thank you lovelies for reading and I love you guys. Have a good day/night/afternoon <3 (sorry for typos)

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