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I hate these bars. After my day out with Luke yesterday none of us went out that night, I was hoping Jake's partying had chilled out.

Oh how I was wrong.

So here we are, yet again, at another pub. Jake dances in the mass of people, enjoying himself. Ashton was tired from work so he stayed home, Calum just didn't feel like coming, and Luke didn't get much sleep last night. We'd stayed up all night watching movies and showing each other out favorite songs.

I would've stayed home if Jake hadn't begged and pleaded for me to come and if I had the capability to tell him no. So, while he's having the time of his life I'm staring blankly at the same soda I've had since we got here two hours ago.

I spotted you the moment we arrived, the same red head I'd seen in nearly every shop Luke and I went into yesterday. And now you're watching me from across the room, I know because every time I look over at you you don't bother looking away. Your emerald eyes follow my every move; eyes that I could spot anywhere, eyes that I could lose my very soul in. You're lips, so red and plump, turn up in a smirk.

Oh how I would love to feel those lips graze over my pale skin.

Turning away from your alluring gaze I focus on my friend dancing in the crowd, on the drink I've been sipping on since we got here, anything but you.

I stir my drink carefully, glancing over my shoulder I gasp quietly. You're pushing through the throng of bodies, surely not making your way over to me. Shifting awkwardly I ignore you, well I attempt to. You demand my attention, all of it, and I give in. Sensing the intensity radiating off of you, I look you up and down. Black boots, black skinny jeans, some band T-shirt hidden beneath a leather jacket. You don't say a word, and I suppose you don't have to, you take my hand and I follow. I watch you as you walk, anything I can take in, from the way your back moves under your jacket to the long strides your legs take. The cool air slices through me as you drag me outside.

Australian weather confuses me it's so warm during the day, the sun baking you to a crisp, but the nights are totally different. It cools so unnaturally, like cold water soothing a stinging burn the night seems to soothe your body with twinkling stars and chilled breezes.

I should've been paying attention to the route, asking you questions, anything. However, I stay silent. I don't make a sound and I suppose you appreciate that, I suppose it helps me in the long run. After all, who could torture an incompetent girl that follows strange men in foreign countries without a second thought?

You make dozens of turns, quick and sharp, I stumble trying to keep up.
"Could you slow down a bit?" I finally rasp after I've nearly taken a plunge to my death for the third time.

You stop, turning to face me slightly, smirking. "Sorry." Your accent is thick melting over me like warm honey. I inhale sharply, you're from the area I believe I've seen you around in a couple of shops. The bright red hair should've been my first give away, how could you forget such a flashy shade?

Hearing you causes me to gain a bit of confidence, an alien concept known to me. "What's you name?" I mumble, finding it harder and harder to look you in the eyes.

You chuckle. "Yours first, sweetheart."

I blanch knowing I shouldn't reveal my name, yet it just spills out like a tipped over glass of water. "Amethyst." I blurt with wide eyes, shocked by my voice betraying my mind.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." You whisper, tucking a few loose strands of my long dark hair behind my ear.

"Yours?" I breathe, stunned by your fingers lingering on my skin.
You smile, beautiful and earth shattering. "Michael. My name is Michael."

"Oh..." I breathe having nothing else to say, yet feeling the need to respond somehow. You don't say anything, just take my hand and lead me once again. I know in the back of my mind I should resist but I don't, I willingly follow you even when I'm unsure where we're going.

You pause at a sleek black vehicle, nodding at the passenger side. "Get in." I stare at you, fear creeping slowly up my spine.

Don't get in!

"It's just a drive." You shrug.

My mind was being rational, my mind is generally rational, whether I listen to it is my own accord and I usually make the wrong decision. Now is no different. I pull the handle and climb in, truly an idiotic move. I've always said that I'm stupid, what's more proof than this?

We don't speak again; you glance over every once and a while and I've slowly grown used to the bump of this road, each bounce sends butterflies fluttering through my stomach and fear gripping my heart.

I open my mouth to ask you where we're going, for you to turn around, anything. You lift your pierced eyebrow in my direction and I snap my mouth shut quickly.

"You don't talk much," You grumble. "Or at all."

"Nothing to say, I guess. Besides I don't mind the silence." I answer instinctively so used to everyone questioning why I'm so quiet.

"Silence is louder than most conversations." You say, I'm not sure how to react. It's true, after all, there's no point in speaking when there's nothing to say.

"I like the quiet." I whisper mindlessly, looking out the window at the stars passing overhead. You don't say anything and that's how it stays, silent once again until we reach a gas station.

It's somehow comfortable sitting alone in your car while you're inside, trusting that I won't bolt at any given moment. Granted I followed you at will, why would I run when I chose to come with you in the beginning.

That's why I never blamed you, I hated you for a while then I realized it was my fault for being senseless so I just hated myself more in the long run.

I'm flipping through the radio when you return, offering me food and a fountain drink. I take the drink gulping it down. "You won't find anything, not that you like at least." You shrug, moving to pump gas.

How do you know what type of music I like?

"I have CD's in the glovebox."

I open it, choosing one of the many Slipknot CD's. "Hmm, a tortured soul too, huh?" You ask, shutting your door harshly. I flinch, my head's becoming fuzzy.

"Guess we're all tortured souls." I hear myself slur and panic presses itself up my throat. The world is fading to black, becoming hazy before I rock back against the seat. "What'd you do to me?" I gasp my hands search clumsily for anything to grip, anything to keep my hold on reality. You stay silent, watching me. My eyes widen in an attempt to stay open. "Turn around! Take me back! Take me back now!" I scream at least I think I'm screaming, it could've just been a helpless grumble.

The last thing I feel is your hands brushing against me, securing my seatbelt. The last thing I hear is Corey Taylor's voice singing about saying goodbye. The last thing I see is your sad smile.

Now there's only absolute darkness and uncertainty.

a/n: Hi! I'm excited about this chapter, I hope it's not confusing or awful. ._. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, I've got some plans for this story that I'm pretty excited about ^--^ I hope it's not too long .___. Thank you lovelies for reading! And thank you so much for 153 reads, I honestly didn't think I'd get any. Love you guys! Have a good day/night/afternoon<3

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