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The pecking of the sand eventually pulls me from the depths of my slumber, waking I find my limbs tangled up in yours. I shift slightly, worried that I'm making you uncomfortable.

"Do you want me to go?" You whisper making me jump. Craning my neck to see your face I can't keep the small smile off my face, even in the dimmest of light you have the potential to shake the earth.

"No, no." I assure you with quick shakes of my head. "I just thought you were uncomfortable." My voice is gravely from sleep, I attempt to clear it several times before you slip carefully out of bed. I jolt out after you murmuring tensely, "Where are you going?"

"To get you water, I'll be right back." You pad away still fully dressed in the skinny jeans and Metallica shirt you wore yesterday. I sit carefully back onto the bed, my mind spinning in sync with the wind outside. Swirling with assumptions that I've gone completely mad out here.

You return shortly handing me a full glass, I promptly chug half of it. "Thank you." I mutter, doing my best to stifle a yawn. You take the glass, sipping from it yourself before setting it on the bedside table. There's something strangely comforting and intimate about us sharing a glass of water, it's as if we've done it for years and it comes easy now, like it's nothing new.

"Do you want me to leave?" You question slipping a hand into your hair, nervously dreading my answer.

"Not really, no." I admit, rubbing arm awkwardly, my eyes darting to the window as if I can feel the storm clenching around my body. "If you want to though, it's fine---"

You cut me off, "No, I'll stay." You confirm and I unfold my legs, moving over on the twin sized bed for you. "You might need a bigger bed if this keeps up." You chuckle under your breath climbing in next to me once again with the stupidest grin on your face.

"What about your bed," I ask without thinking. "Is it not bigger?" Mentally I picture slapping myself for asking such an idiotic question.

You laugh, shaking the bed slightly. "Do you want to move to my room?" I shake my head. "I didn't think so." Your laughs continue, lighting some unknown annoyance under my skin.

"Why're you such an ass sometimes?" I furrow my eyebrows together, pulling my legs back in their previous Indian style. "You make comments like that, like you know everything---"

"And it pisses you off?" You snicker laying back on my pillow tossing an arm behind your head, watching me cockily.

I groan, entirely too frustrated by your arrogance. "Yes, it does! You don't know everything about me, you don't even know a little bit---"

"I know you like to sleep on your right side with your arm tucked under the pillow and your legs curled up. I know you have an undying love for music, that you could listen to it everyday, all day, for the rest of your life and you'd never get sick of it. I know your favorite color varies day by day. I know when you're beginning to get tired you become cranky and whiney and it's really cute. I know that your eyes are the most captivating things on this planet. And I know that my life has gotten better since you've been here." You smile, resting your hand on my knee making small relaxing circles with your thumb forcing the stiffness from my muscles.

"I didn't think you were paying attention..." I whisper, lightly resting my hand over yours.

You snort, buzzing quietly, "I always pay attention to you." Your eyes hold mine waiting for me to speak again. The sand continues to pound against the window, the equivalent to a rainy day back in Maine. Instead of speaking I switch positions, resting myself in the crook of your arm with my head lying on your shoulder. Hesitantly you unfold your arm, wrapping it around me. I sigh, relaxing into your side.

Too comfortable, I've gotten too comfortable in such a short amount of time.

"N-nobody's ever really paid attention to me." I stutter under my breath, I can feel your eyes on my face as I stare at the curtains pulled in front of my window. You don't say anything, you don't have to, you just pull me closer and hold me tighter than imaginable.

You bury your face in my hair, your free hand plays lazily with my fingers; and we lay like this for the majority of the day. Even after the sandstorm has come to a halt outside, I refuse to let you leave trapping you with random questions that you're obligated to answer, and statements that make you relax further onto the bed.

The sun peeks through the thick drapes making me hide my face sleepily in your chest with a giggle. You smile at me, a lot, and laugh. You're enjoying the time we're spending together and I think, underneath everything, I'm enjoying it too.

I peek up at you, your light green eyes shine with delight. I grin, sliding my hand up your chest and settling myself back on you comfortably. Your hand slowly creeps under mine, slipping your fingers between mine. My hand twitches and you begin to pull away. "No." I tighten my grip and the tautness eases from your body, melting away with my reassurance. Faintly I feel your lips on the top of my head, kissing me tenderly.

You're all I have and maybe I'm okay with only having you...

a/n: I'm so sorry for this super shitty chapter\: I didn't intend for it to be this short. Anywho, I hope you guys are enjoying the cute little moments I'm going for here. /-\ Thank you lovelies for reading, I hope you all have a good day/night/afternoon.

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