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"Amethyst." Jake snaps his long fingers in front of my face.

"Huh?" I gasp, bringing my eyes back into focus. "Sorry." I whisper, avoiding eye contact with him.

Jake shakes his head, squeezing my knee. "It's okay, Am." His bright blue eyes find my full gray orbs, he's waiting for me to say something.

I open my mouth but words won't form, I just sit there staring at him. The shape of his nose, the light shining off the snake bites in his lower lip, the long swoop of his black hair. My best friend. My only friend.

"You're so weird." He smirks shoving my shoulder gently, and in that one moment I'm okay. I can forget everything. I don't have to think about my parents or the future, all I have to do is sit here with Jake and exist. He expects nothing of me, he doesn't force conversation and he doesn't make me awkward.

Guys make me awkward, people in general make me awkward, not him though. Jake will always be the one person that doesn't demand I do everything his way, that doesn't demand my obedience and comprise. Jake just lets me be me.

"You haven't said a word about our trip in a week, Am. I'm kinda concerned that you're not excited anymore." He cracks my fog, forcing me to pay attention, to return to Earth.

I cock my eyebrow at him. "Of course I'm excited, Jay, just getting a little nervous about the flight and all that." I shrug nonchalantly. He nods having nothing more to say. Our silence lingers and I feel the dull ache forming behind my eye intensify.

I've grown worried that Jake will hate me in the long run, that he'll hate this trip and what I've done to his life. He's dropping everything to come with me. He broke up with his girlfriend because she didn't want to do the long distance thing, he's quit his job, got out of the lease in his apartment, sold his car. Literally everything, to come with me to Australia.

At first everyone believed we were running off to get married. Some thought I was baring a love child. But most knew, they understood that Jake and I have always been best friends. That we'll always be just best friends and that we're very much okay with that.

I love Jake and Jake loves me, but we don't love each other like that. We couldn't be together, we'd kill each other. It can't be more and it can't be less. He's my best friend, nothing else seems simpler or more effortless than our friendship. I couldn't be more thankful for him.

After all, all I really need is my friend.

a/n: Hi guys, it's been a while ._. This chapter is so bad, I thought I'd attempt to introduce another character. Anywho, thanks for reading this piece of garbage lovelies<3 I hope you guys have a good night/day(:

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