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Day One

I'm unable to sleep, while Jake lays in the bed across the hall one hundred percent sacked out, my mind stays plagued with calculations of how we'll survive here. Unsurprisingly enough Jake has a few friends here from when he lived with his aunt several years ago. They're nice enough to let us stay in their spare rooms even though Jake bailed on them right after his aunt died.

A valid excuse for leaving, I suppose.

The shortest of the three, Ashton I think, passes by my temporary room. He's lean with hair just long enough to tuck behind his ears, he's incredibly sweet and handsome, god is he handsome, and so very intimidating. His accent is so thick sometimes I don't understand what he's saying and his eyes are literally indescribable. They kind of just pull you in and make you fall but you don't care because you know he'd never let you get hurt.

A light tap and a low giggle yank me back to reality where I quickly advert my eyes from this man I don't even know. This man that is allowing me to stay in his house, granted, but I still don't know him.

"Probably a good idea not to sleep, you won't get any sleep later tonight." The words seem to pour out of him easily, confidently.

"I've never had jet lag before." I blurt awkwardly feeling my face flame and making Ashton chuckle.

"Yeah, Jake said it was your first time flying." I nod in response to him. A few seconds go by before Ashton speaks again. "You know you can come hang with us in the living room, right?"

"Okay." I mutter slowly unfolding my legs from underneath myself and following him into the living room. The tall one with blonde hair and a lip ring stiffens anxiously upon my entrance of the room.

At least I'm not the only awkward one.

The tan one, Calum I think so that must make the tall one Luke, strides sleepily into the room shirtless with a bowl of almonds. His dark messy hair is so fluffy, tempting you to run your fingers through its softness.

"Hey." He grumbles passing me to sit on the couch, I nod in his direction stepping out of his way.

"You can sit." Ashton urges offering the spot in between himself and Luke. I look between the two of them and the empty space, picking unconsciously at my thumbnail. Ashton smiles, Luke shrugs smiling as kindly as he can manage.

Don't worry dude, I feel the same way.

I move sluggishly, planting myself between the two. "Jake wants to go out tonight." I mention trying to sound causal, trying to start a conversation.

"We know." Calum pipes up from his position on the other side of Luke. "We're all going." The nonchalance practically drips off of him.

They're all so chill, even Luke is beginning to relax as we fall into pointless conversation. It's just your average small talk but I can feel myself sinking back against the couch, becoming more comfortable around these guys.

Day Three

It's bars every night. All Jake ever wants to do is go out and I just want to explore this beautiful country. I'm not a partier, I don't really enjoy it at all. I usually just sit in the most secluded area I can find while we're there and they guys are getting hammered.

Thankfully the gods above have answered my pleas; Luke offers to take me around to a few shops and maybe the beach while Jake and Calum sleep off their hangovers and Ashton is at work. I quickly agree asking for a few minutes to dress.

I assess my black skinnies and random off-the-shoulder tee, deeming it fit as an exploration outfit. I throw a beanie over my messy hair glad I put makeup on shortly after I got up, finally sliding on my black Doc Martians I meet Luke in the living room.

"Ready?" His blue eyes scan me quickly before looking towards the door. I nod and we head out in pleasant silence. That's something I absolutely love about Luke, neither one of us feel the need to speak and when we do the conversations are light and easy. The lull between us is comfortable as we wander down the sidewalk.

Every once in a while Luke points out a cool shop or a favorite restaurant, saying we should have lunch at Nando's. As we eat I look up over Luke's shoulder, my eyes catch a tall man with unnaturally bright red hair. I look awkwardly away, focusing back on Luke who smiles around his food bringing my own smile forward.

And I believe in this moment, smiling comfortably at my new friend, I'm the happiest I've been since my arrival.

Maybe this won't be so bad.

a/n: Hi guys! I'm trying to update consistently and have longer chapters, I don't think I'm doing a good job with this. Sorry/: Anyway! I thought I'd add the other boys for a super short amount of time. ._. Okay, thanks for reading lovelies<3 (Sorry for any typos) I hope you all have a good day/night/afternoon.

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