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Four months, only four months have past. It feels like it's been centuries and I'm beginning to severely miss everything. I'm beginning to feel the dark loneliness claw its way through me stealing me away from the tiny world I've been living in, similar to the way you've stolen me from my old life.

We had developed a system of spending hours in the basement discovering our music tastes are very similar, practically the same. We'd eat dinner together at the table then go back to the basement unless you had other things to do. I never question what you're doing, on some level I fear what it could be, I just occupy myself with reading or drawing. Then you return and we would chat, learn something new about each other everyday until I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open. You would lead me to my room and wait outside the door while I changed into pajamas before entering and getting yourself ready for bed. Mainly consisting of the removal of your shirt and jeans, which didn't bother me. I relish in the feel of your skin.

And then three days ago I woke up alone and I haven't really left my room since. I've kept up with basic hygiene but I won't spend time with you, I won't allow you in my bed, I won't allow you back into my life. I've spent four months with you and I've fallen deep into a hole that I didn't know I was digging. I've began seeing you as a real person, not the beast who kidnapped me, who took me away from the normality of my life. You've wormed your way between the walls that's I've spent years building and you've done it effortlessly. That's what scares me the most, you've managed to cripple me without even trying.

You didn't bother sending in a note yesterday, maybe you've given up completely now. Maybe you know I don't know what to do so you're leaving me alone.


My mind is mocking me, condemning my idiocy. The whole I-told-you-so speech is playing repeatedly in my head. Underneath the days I've spent with you digging my own grave, my mind was screaming at me to stop. Screaming for me to run, to escape before I'm in too deep.

Shuffling outside the door snaps my focus from the spider weaving its web in the corner of my window. I drag my eyes toward the door waiting for you to enter. A slip of paper slides under the door and I sigh, forcing the energy to appear in my limbs so I can stand.

I don't know what I've done but I'm sorry. I really am. I miss you.

Without thinking I open the door gasping at your tear stained face. You quickly run your hands underneath your eyes, sighing up at me.

"I'm sorry, whatever I did, I'm so---"

"Stop." I croak holding up my hand, you tilt your head up waiting for me to continue. "You didn't do anything."

Your surprise is impossible to hide. "Why haven't you wanted to see me then?"

"I just...I needed some time to think." I whisper, reaching for your hand to help you up from the floor.

"Oh," You hesitate to pull me into a hug I throw my arms around your waist, squeezing you tightly. Evidently you know not to pry into my mind and I'm thankful that you don't, I'm not sure I can talk about this with you. I don't even fully understand it, how could I talk about it to anyone. I've never been good at talking. I can't just blurt how I'm feeling, I can't just open the flood gates and admit everything to you. So, you rest your cheek on the top of my head muttering a quick, "are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." I nod against your chest. You make me okay and being away from you, even though I did it to myself, has made me crumble in your presence now. "I miss everyone."

Not as much as I missed you...


"It's okay, you don't have to say anything." I assure you, hooking my fingers together on your lower back. The position is familiar, comfortable, maybe even a bit intoxicating. It's nearly insane the amount I've missed this in just a three day time span.

Stay with you or leave you; two months to decide.

"What do you want to do today?" You ask, reaching behind your back for my hand. I allow you to break my fingers apart sliding them easily between yours.

"I wanna get out of the house---"

"I can take you where we get our water from." You grin and I agree.

Half an hour later we're exiting the house and as I watch you walk confidently ahead of me and I feel myself sink lower, drowning in a sea of feelings I don't understand.

a/n: Bleh, I took this chapter off way too many times, sorry ): I'm also sorry my chapters have been shitty recently. Graduation is coming up so I'm like, stressing about school and blah, blah. And I had a bit of writers block. Ugh, I feel like this story has gone downhill really fast/: Anywho, thanks for reading lovelies I hope someone is enjoying my shitty writing<3 Have a good day/night/afternoon. (Sorry for any typos)

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