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"Where am I?" I croak my eyes fluttering, unwilling to open under the white light that I assume is finally some sort of afterlife.

"The hospital---"

The familiarity of the voice responding throws me off, as does the disappointment of being addressed as a living being. "Calum?" I whisper, cutting him off and squinting fully under the impression that I'm seeing things. Yet the tan boy sits clear as day near the bed looking very uneasy, like he would rather be anywhere but here.

"Ashton's here too. He's talking to the doctor..." Cal mumbles glancing toward the door, "Luke too, he went to get something to drink."

"Where's Michael?" I hum trying to sit up, eyeing Calum calmly. He looks so out of place here in the blinding brightness of the hospital. It's very different seeing someone in the artificial light now that I've grown used to the natural lighting of the desert.

Scrunching his eyebrows in confusion he cocks his head to the side in question. "Who?"

"Michael? The guy that brought me here? Bright red hair, tall---"

"Oh," he mumbles seeming even more uncomfortable than before, "don't worry about him, he's in custody. The police are taking care of it."

I don't understand at first, I just blink at him until it clicks in my sluggish brain. "Police? What? He's not...no! Why police?! What happened?!" I panic, unable to get legible phrases out correctly.

"He turned himself in..." At this point I've stopped listening, I'm already halfway off the bed. "Amethyst what are you doing?!"

"He didn't...this isn't what I want---" I'm absentmindedly speaking allowed to myself as I struggle to remove the wires from my body.

"Stop, just calm down please---"

"Calm down?! I don't know what's happening to him!" I scream causing an entourage of physicians and nurses to rush in.

Ashton enters followed by Luke. "What's going on?" He demands looking me straight in the eyes.

"What's happening with Michael?" I counter expecting him to say it's been a mistake, that you haven't turned yourself in. That you aren't that stupid.

But he doesn't.

"He's in custody, Amethyst, he kidnapped you." Luke explains gently.

I gasp, staring wide-eyed at the wall. "No he didn't." I distantly hear myself whisper, but my mind is long gone searching for a way to handle this loss.

It's interesting what people will say when they believe you're not the slightest bit coherent, I can hear them however, speaking softly, yet I can't open my eyes. They say I have Stockholm Syndrome, that I've just gotten close to you because you're all I've known for the past five months. What I wish I could scream at them, what I'd give anything for them to understand is that you're not a monster. That I was enthralled with you before you ever approached me. I looked for you every time I went out.

Now what I can't get over with myself is that I tried hating you for so long. I spent months battling with myself about you. My mind told me you were a monster, my gut told me you really were saving me. And all I'm hearing now is talk of abuse from them, you abusing me is so absurd and I can't defend you. I can't prove your innocence because I'm out of it due to some medication they've given me to "calm me down". You saved me from myself and I can't even save you from the horrible accusations being thrown around about you.

There's talk about court and testifying and how they're sure I'll do the right thing and turn you in. But there's an alternative, one I've been thinking about for a few weeks incase I was ever "rescued". I could say I ran away with you, that I met you in a pub and decided to go with you. You'd be set free and all this would be over. I'd go back to the U.S. and live my life and you'd go back into the shadows and everything would be normal.

Except...I don't want that. I don't want to go back to the miserable existence I had before. I don't want to be away from you. I've only been aware of my surroundings for, roughly, a few hours and it's been hell. The loneliness I've always felt has returned with a heightened brutality.

I miss the notes, the way you would hold me while I cried and the way you kissed my cheek, the glint of your emerald eyes when you laughed, the way your lips felt on mine for the first and last time. Your skin against mine, flushed and chilled. Every 'I love you' you've ever uttered in my direction.

I miss you.

Once I made the decision to stay I didn't think I'd ever be taken from you, it never even entered my mind that you could be taken from me. I've come to the realization that I need you just as much as you need me and in some sick way I never wanted to be rescued.

a/n: The gaps in my chapters are getting greater and greater! ): I'm so sorry guys! I had finals and then I had to prepare for graduation. >.< Excuses, excuses I know /-\ Anywho, I know this chapter is a bit short and mildly horrid I basically wrote it all tonight but I'm feeling inspired so I'll start the next chapter tonight most likely(: Okays well, thank you lovelies for reading! Have a good day/night/afternoon!<3 (sorry for typos)

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