Criminal Minds

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"Wow, Crystal you have officially lost your fucking mind." She chuckled to herself hoping up quickly.

I chuckled. "Dont talk about my girl like that"

She looked at me like I urk her soul.

She closed her eyes and breathed in slowly.

"You should go."

She said before opening her eyes.

My breathing stalled. I chuckled annoyed. "You're funny."

"I'm serious Z. This wasn't suppose to happen. I have responsibilities. I'm 30 minutes late meeting Eric, and -" she stooped down scooping up paper clips.

"I don't give a fuck about Eric!" I yelled a little too loud. "On god!" I felt like I was about to bust a blood vessel. "Fuck Eric! You don't even want him."

She looked at me frustrated "this is EXACTLY why I was trying to leave you alone! You can't handle it Z! I'm not sure if I want to change my whole life, break up with my fiancé, switch jobs, probably even towns."

"Then why the fuck didn't you say that?! All of a sudden after we fuck you don't want to do this?!"

I felt tears working up. She has no idea how much I need her. How much shit I've been through and I've just been telling myself that I'll have her. I'll be able to vent to her, love her, feel loved by her.

"It's not like that and you know it."

"Nah I don't fucking know! How am I suppose to know when you always fucking ghosting me, and acting like I'm some dumb ass little kid! Fuck you! You don't know what I've done!"

"Please.. don't be dramatic, I just don't think-"

"Nah, you don't THINK about me at all! If you did maybe you'd wonder what's been wrong with me lately! Maybe you'd wonder why I been acting the way I been acting. But you right. Worry about him. You should be." I said storming out.

I was so fucking mad. She dead ass fucked me and tried to kick me out.. again. I'm a game to her at this point. All my feelings don't mean shit to her.

I stormed pasted an Albino man going in the opposite direction. I spun around. Eric.

He looked mad too. The fuck he coming up here for?

I started following him. Fuck this Nigga. Taking all of crystals time. Fucking her. Trying to clock her. I went to feel my gun. Damn. I left it at home today. I ain't need it anyway. No good would've came from that shit

I watched him twist the door knob. "What the fuck?" He mumbled before banging on the door. "Open the fucking door!"

"I'm coming!" I heard Crystal call out as I got closer. It sounded like she was rushing. Probably trying to clean all the shit that we knocked off her desk.

I saw the door swing open "what the fuck Crystal?"

Eric came in heated.

"I know." She sighed  "I just-"

"Am I a fucking joke to you?"

"No, Baby I had to-"

"You ain't have to do shit. You suppose to be off at 3;30 that's it! I don't give a fuck what bad ass little kid needs your help. Fuck them.  I can't even trust my own fucking fiancé because apparently she's a fucking pedophile!"

Mrs. Houston didn't like that shit.

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about!! A musty ass Nigga who fucks himself told you some bullshit and you really sitting there follow his ass up!"

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