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The two racked their brains, thinking of what to do and finally, they laughed. They decided to just spend time with each other in the room.

Hence, the two sat on the bed while leaning on the head board, with Xiao Zhan slightly leaning into Yibo's embrace while Yibo placed his arm around Xiao Zhan's neck.

They talked and chatted and got to know each other better. After a few hours, Xiao Zhan jumped up and turned on the television.

Xiao Zhan then hurried back to the bed but pouted as Yibo had moved himself to the centre of the bed with his legs wide open, preventing Xiao Zhan from sitting there.

"Yibo... don't be naughty, move over" Xiao Zhan pouted but Yibo thought of a better idea as he patted the space in front of him. "Sit here"

Xiao Zhan blushed but he climbed onto the bed and sat right in front of Yibo. Yibo let out a chuckle and wrapped his hands and legs around Xiao Zhan.

Before Xiao Zhan could shyly protest and push Yibo's limbs away, Yibo mumbled "Oh, so childish, change the channel"

Xiao Zhan immediately turned around and flattened Yibo's cheeks with his two palms "How dare you call Spongebob childish! Take back your words!"

"Childish" Yibo said which made Xiao Zhan huff more. Yibo chuckled and hugged Xiao Zhan, giving him a peck on the cheek "You're so cute"

Xiao Zhan blushed, obediently staying in Yibo's embrace. They then watched Spongebob till it was over.

Yibo then changed the channel and they accidentally stumbled upon porn. Xiao Zhan tensed up, realising there was something hard poking him from behind.

"Y-Yibo..." Xiao Zhan stuttered. Yibo chuckled "You only realised it now? I'm jealous that you paid Spongebob so much attention, not even noticing my big, long rod"

Xiao Zhan blushed and lightly hit Yibo's thigh "W-Who praises their own dick!"

"I'm proud of mine" Yibo smirked, pressing against Xiao Zhan tighter while the television continued airing porn.

"Stop moving" Yibo's deep voice sounded in Xiao Zhan's ear, making Xiao Zhan flinch "I-I can't help it! You're the one pressing your thing against me!"

"Maybe it will be more comfortable inside you?" Yibo suggested, making Xiao Zhan nod then blush furiously "Y-You pervert!"

Yibo chuckled but was surprised when Xiao Zhan got up and pulled his pants down. "Z-Zhan... What are you doing?"

"I-It's too u-uncomfortable! I-I'm listening to your suggestion!" Xiao Zhan embarrassedly said but did not stop moving.

The next second, Xiao Zhan was pushed down by Yibo. "Zhan, are you sure? Can I really?" Yibo asked.

"Y-Yes... But please be gentle... I-It's my first time" Xiao Zhan blushed and stammered but was filled with excitement.

Yibo chuckled. "I'm sorry if I'm not gentle enough. It's my first time too" Yibo replied and Xiao Zhan's jaw dropped in disbelief.

Breaking this chapter up and making it a little shorter because the next chapter is smut and I think it will be better than breaking the smut into half 🤭

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