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A k-k-k-k-k-kiss? A KISS? Xiao Zhan spat out his drink when he read that comment. "I-I'm not gay!" Xiao Zhan protested.

He then read the other comments. Mixing mint in Yibo's chocolate cake? Hehehe... That doesn't sound too bad.

Xiao Zhan went to a nearby bakery. "Hi, I would like to order a customized cake. I want a chocolate cake. Please add a lot of tiny mint pills in it. Oh! And can you have put chocolate balls with wasabi inside on top of the cake?"

The staff who originally found Xiao Zhan very cute, cringed a little. This man has weird tastes...

Meanwhile, Xiao Zhan grinned evily to himself. "Mr Wang huh. Just wait. I will stuff your mouth with my creativity."

Xiao Zhan hummed to himself. He went back to the hotel as the staff told him to collect the cake the next day.

"Where did you go?" A deep cold voice sounded which made Xiao Zhan jump. "A-Ahahaha... F-For a walk?"

Yibo raised a brow but turned and said "Let's go" Xiao Zhan tilted his head "Go where?"

Yibo rolled his eyes "It's working hours. We have to check the hotel. That's what we are here for"

Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes "You could have informed me, not drag me to go meetings and work all of a sudden"

Xiao Zhan gulped as Yibo stormed closer to him. "Phone" Yibo said. "W-What?" Xiao Zhan stammered.

Thanks to the comment he read, he could not help but notice Yibo's beautiful lips. Xiao Zhan unknowingly bit on his own.

His eyes widened seeing the mouth come nearer while moving. "H-Huh?" Xiao Zhan blinked and Yibo frowned as he repeated himself "Pass me your phone"

Xiao Zhan fumbled around and hurriedly passed him his phone. Yibo took a step back as he called his own number while Xiao Zhan frowned. Why did he pass his phone over?

"Here" Yibo tossed Xiao Zhan's phone back to him and Xiao Zhan panicked while catching it. "Stupid Wang!" Xiao Zhan shouted as he caught his pohone.

"What did you say?" Wang Yibo frowned. "A-Ah... T-Thank you Mr Wang?" Xiao Zhan said and Yibo walked away.

"Hey, you didn't tell me your name yet" Xiao Zhan harrassed Wang Yibo. Yibo turned to him "What's your age?"

"26?" Xiao Zhan frowned, wondering why Yibo asked, then wondering why he replied. Yibo smirked "It's Yibo Ge Ge for you, then." Xiao Zhan blushed "W-What! No way, Yibo it is."

"Disrespectful" Yibo shook his head and walked ahead, leaving Xiao Zhan pouting.

After walking around for some time, Xiao Zhan was tired. "Yibo! Yibo! Wang Yibo! Yibo!!!" Xiao Zhan shouted for Yibo to wait for him but Yibo ignored him.

"Yibo Ge Ge!" Xiao Zhan shouted and Yibo stopped. Xiao Zhan let out a grumble but chased up to Yibo. "I'm tired, let's rest"

Yibo gave a slightly mocking smile which made Xiao Zhan huff and shout "We walked for 100 hours! I'm tired!"

"We walked for 3 hours" Yibo corrected him and Xiao Zhan crossed his arms "Wang Yibo, can't you be kinder?"

Yibo raised a brow before walking away. Xiao Zhan quickly grasped onto Yibo's arm. "Sorry Yibo Ge Ge, I was disrespectful. Can we please take a break?"

Yibo seemed to be giving in which made Xiao Zhan hop around in front of him with a cute and hopeful expression. "Yibo Ge Ge? Please, Yibo Ge Ge?"

"Ok" Yibo said and went to the bench while Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes and mumbled to himself "Takes me more effort to plead him... Wait... Why am I pleading him?!"

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