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You! All! Have! No! Idea! What! Happened! Just! Now! I would very much like to take a rest but I am boiling! How can someone be so rude and mean!

That man, Mr W, tricked me! He lied to me! He brought me to this very expensive restaurant. (It's not a date, it's a meeting with investors)

He told me that this was not paid by the company but he actually tricked me! The poor me left that expensive restaurant feeling unsatisfied. I could have ate much more for free!

Also! The investor we met is so rude! He called me ugly and said I should never come to his country to find a partner!

And that Mr W agreed with him! I'm not ugly right? I believe that I am at least average looking! Not ugly!

Now I am left with an unhappy tummy and feeling insulted. Someone come comfort me!

On a side note, Mr W can actually speak english! I am quite surprised. Fine! He seems even more perfect and handsome while speaking english!

But that doesn't change the fact that he is rude, annoying, proud and unreasonable!

I just want to go home and eat my sister's cooking and comfort myself with my favourite snacks.

Pleae give me some advice on how I should take a revenge on Mr W! I should play some pranks or trick him back since I can't hit him. (Not because I am weak but because I am civilized!)

Just a mini revenge would make me feel much more satisfied. You are on my side, right?

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