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The next day, Xiao Zhan collected the cake and wondered how he should make Yibo eat it. He planned his speech and went over to knock on Yibo's door.

Xiao Zhan cleared his throat. "Mr Wang, we are colleagues and I don't want to make a bad relationship so I shall be nice and forgive your rudeness. I ordered a cake. Let's eat it together to make up"

Yibo opened his room door for Xiao Zhan to go in and Xiao Zhan giggled to himself as he quickly opened up the cake box and gave a slice to Yibo.

"What is this?" Yibo frowned and Xiao Zhan became nervous. "I-It's mint chocolate cake! Apparently it is very popular here! We should try it too!"

Yibo grabbed Xiao Zhan's wrist and placed the cake down. "W-What?" Xiao Zhan stuttered as Yibo walked forward and he could only helplessly move backwards.

Xiao Zhan's leg hit the edge of the bed and he fell on the bed but Yibo continued moving forward, hovering above him.

"I have a better way to make up" Yibo's deep voice sounded and the next moment, their lips were attached to each other.

"Mnnn" Xiao Zhan moaned but he suddenly shot his eyes open as he stood up. "Oh! My! Emperor! My holy emperor! What am I thinking!

Xiao Zhan quickly ran to the bathroom and splashed water on his burning red face. He had even imagined Yibo reaching a hand under his shirt.

"N-No! I'm not gay!" Xiao Zhan blushed furiously as he washed his face again. How did his mind wander off so far?

"I-It must be the comment from the forum saying that I should kiss him! Ahh! My innocent mind!" Xiao Zhan rambled and gave excuses as he washed his face again.

In a blushing mess, Xiao Zhan knocked Yibo's door and cleared his throat. "I bought a cake and it is too much. L-Let's eat it together."

Yibo frowned but opened the door for him. Xiao Zhan nervously yet excitedly opened the cake. He flinched when he heard a deep voice from right next to his ear. "What is this?"

Xiao Zhan felt a little deja vu and blushed when he remembered he thoughts. Shaking his head, he replied "Mint chocolate cake... It's very popular here"

"Oh really?" Yibo smirked as he picked up a chocolate ball on top of the cake. Xiao Zhan's eyes lit up in excitement as he saw Yibo's action.

He was greatly disappointed when Yibo dropped his hand down without eating it. But Xiao Zhan tensed when Yibo moved closer to him.

Xiao Zhan stepped backwards. What's going on? But Yibo had taken another step forward, making Xiao Zhan move backwards.

Xiao Zhan's heart thumped in excitement and nervousness. It was his first kiss. Wait... Why is he not rejecting it?

Before he could do anything, he had fallen on the bed with a thump. He quickly propped himself up with his elbows but Yibo had hovered over him.

"Y-Yibo..." Xiao Zhan stuttered, his face blushed and mouth agaped. Will Yibo kiss him? Xiao Zhan was too caught up in his thoughts and faintly felt the back of a hand stroking his cheek before something went into his mouth.

Xiao Zhan unconciously bit on it and the wasabi taste flooded his mouth. Xiao Zhan's eyes widened and he wanted to scream so badly and spit it out.

"Y-You!" Xiao Zhan stuttered with teary eyes. Angry, he hooked his arm around Yibo's neck and connected their lips, spitting the wasabi-chocolate mouth into Yibo's mouth.

"You devil!" Xiao Zhan shouted in tears as he wriggled his way out and ran back to his room.

Yibo froze there, stunned by the kiss, before spitting the wasabi ball out. He smirked. Yesterday, he had overheard Xiao Zhan ordering the cake and mumbling about stuffing his mouth with his creativity.

Yibo spat out the wasabi-chocolate ball. Meanwhile, Xiao Zhan was in his room. He loves spicy things but a wasabi-chocolate ball? That was devil itself!

Xiao Zhan washed and rinsed his mouth, his head a stinging pain as he could only scold Yibo in his mind.

After chugging half a carton of milk, Xiao Zhan slumped on his bed. His stomach felt weird and his mouth was almost numb.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhan remembered what he did. "Oh! My! Emperor! I-I-I... I... K-k-k-k-k-kissed... I kissed Wang Yibo? Oh my emperor! What have I done!

And I didn't even enjoy... No! I'm not supposed to enjoy a kiss with him! Ahhh! My first kiss!" Xiao Zhan shouted as he thrashed around in the bed.

Xiao Zhan got up and huffed and pouted as he created another post on the forum.

"Hi everyone... Today is a hateful day... I took up the suggestion of the chocolate mint cake and even added wasabi-chocolate balls but it ended in my mouth!

What a failure! And because of that, an accident happend, causing a... A k-kiss... To happen... But I'm not gay!

Anyway, both is done, so now you guys are all on my side right? This devil... I need to take my revenge!"

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