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The investor this time is a chinese investor who came to visit the hotel. He was quite satisfied at the end of the tour.

They stopped at the lounge when the investor walked up to Yibo and pat his back "For a 24 year old young man, you have great potential. Learn well from your brother"

Xiao Zhan's jaw dropped to the ground. After the investors left, he jumped on Yibo's back, an arm wrapped around his throat while he used his other hand to hit Yibo's head with the brochure he was holding.

"You brat! You kid! You liar! You're 24 and you dare make me call you Ge Ge?! You rude brat!" Xiao Zhan shouted. "You're 2 years younger!"

Yibo chuckled, not minding the weak attack. In fact, he enjoyed Xiao Zhan sticking to his body.

But Yibo calmly walked towards a chair and in a few moves, Xiao Zhan ended up on the chair with a shocked look.

Xiao Zhan gulped as Yibo's face was inches away from him. They made eye contact and Xiao Zhan blushed, feeling his body heat up.

He looked away, just to look back and his eyes naturally landed on Yibo's lips. Very soon, the lips he was staring at moved closer and touched his, moving against his.

Xiao Zhan moaned, one hand wrapped around Yibo's neck while the other hand gripped onto Yibo's shirt.

Yibo kissed Xiao Zhan hard which left him breathless and in a blushing mess. Yibo smirked as he lightly nudged Xiao Zhan's groin. "You're hard"

Yibo then placed another kiss on his lips and left, making Xiao Zhan jump up in shock. "Oh my Emperor! I'm hard! I-I'm hard!"

Xiao Zhan immediately ran back to his room to solve his little problem. He then laid on his bed and took out his phone.

"Everyone... It seems that the handsome annoying man doesn't hate me? He kissed me and treated me nicely.

When we were having a meal, he even pulled the chair out for me! Do you think he really likes me or is this his way of teasing me even more?

And... I'm not gay! I'm not sure of my feelings. The kiss is so good but... That was my first few times so I am not sure if it is supposed to feel this way or better...

Everyone, you'll help me right? He is just making fun of me and I should stay away from this dangerous man right?"

Xiao Zhan then posted his thoughts on the online forum and closed his phone, thinking of everything that happened as he tried to fall asleep.

The next day, both Xiao Zhan and Yibo received a message from the higher ups. A very, very, very, very important potential investor would be arriving.

And they were to satisfy her demands. Xiao Zhan widened his eyes when he read that the potential investor is not only interested in the hotel but very interested in Yibo.

Xiao Zhan glanced at Yibo to see him frowning. "Yibo, make sure to satisfy her demands" Xiao Zhan teased but was only replied with a glare and a frown.

Xiao Zhan gulped and ran back to his room. He was just teasing Yibo! Did Yibo have to look so scary? Xiao Zhan huffed.

The secretary of the potential investor sent over the schedule. The tour which could have been done in a day was spreaded out into 3 days.

Xiao Zhan sighed. "Yibo, my manager called me. He said that this investor is very important. You must be more cooperative, okay? Look. You can smile at her and she will definitely be happier. Or you can-"

Xiao Zhan stopped when Yibo stood up and left. "Rude... I haven't finished speaking" Xiao Zhan pouted.

Yibo and Xiao Zhan were discussing the schedule. The potential investor is going to arrive tomorrow. But a sudden grand entrance left the two speechless.

A woman dressed in a very revealing dress and high heels walked over with 6 bodyguards behind her. Everything on her screamed rich, very rich.

Xiao Zhan felt that the woman looked pretty... Until the woman twisted her body and opened her mouth to speak in a high pitched, child like tone "Mr Wang, I know that both of us are busy and I specially came early to spend one more night with you"

Xiao Zhan choked hearing her words. This woman... Is quite shameless? "Ms Cheng Xiao, it is late now. Let me get a room for you"

(I'm using Cheng Xiao's name because... I can't think of any other... So I apologize in advance.)

Cheng Xiao walked towards Yibo "Mr Wang, are you staying in the suite? There is more than one room there right?"

Yibo took a small step back "Ms Cheng Xiao, let me get a room for you"

Cheng Xiao crossed her arms unhappily "It is Xiao Xiao for you!"

After passing Cheng Xiao her room key, the three headed to the lift together. The lift stopped at level 18 and Yibo and Xiao Zhan walked out.

Xiao Zhan bowed "Have a good rest Ms Cheng Xiao, we will see you tomorrow"

Cheng Xiao glanced at the two and before the lift closed, she stepped out. "Where do the two of you stay?"

Yibo and Xiao Zhan had no choice but to show her. Cheng Xiao pointed to the room beside Yibo's "I want that room"

"No" Yibo said and Xiao Zhan wanted to smack him for being rude to such an important investor. "Sorry Ms Cheng Xiao, only Yibo and my room has furnitures. The others have not been prepared."

Cheng Xiao looked at Xiao Zhan and eyed him up and down. She went over with a smile and tucked her card into Xiao Zhan's pocket. "We'll just switch rooms then"

"If you insist" Xiao Zhan smiled and went to pack his things before hurrying away to level 21. Meanwhile, Yibo had already shut himself in his room.

Xiao Zhan took out his phone again and made another post.

"Met a crazy ridiculous person today. She is the perfect example of an exaggeration! Even my brother is a thousand times better than her!"

***This investor idea came from The Wolf***

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