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Xiao Zhan immediately clicked on "Anonymous85" to check on his posts. Xiao Zhan scrolled to the very first one.

"Recently, this guy from my company caught my attention. I always see him clumsily rushing to work and after work he is either dazed or jumping around.

A few weeks later, on a weekend, I saw him clinging his arms around a male and a female. The male hit his head a few times and he would complain to the female.

The female would then caress his head, making the male hit him again. But what made me jealous was how closely he clung onto them.

Going closer, I heard him calling them "Brother" and "Sister" which made me a bit more comfortable. From then on, I knew I had a crush on this clumsy, silly, cute guy. After all, it's my first time feeling this way.

Another few weeks later, I saw a chance. We were in the cafe and he was sitting at the far end near the windows. I decided to sit near the entrance, but directly opposite him.

If he just glanced up... He would definitely see me. But he kept looking at his phone. Even when he was about to leave, he was looking at his phone and giggling to himself.

In a haste, I got up but did not know how to approach him and remembered the first episodes of many many dramas.

It is cliche and I feel bad but... My body reacted faster and I spilled my cooled down coffee on him.

"Serve you right for looking at your phone while walking" I said before walking away. I saw him glance back at me and turned, smiling to myself. He finally saw me.

That bunny glare of his is so cute..."

Xiao Zhan's jaw dropped as he read this. T-T-That sneaky Yibo! Spilling coffee on him was on purpose! Xiao Zhan immediately clicked on his next post.

"It's the next day and again, I saw him at lunch. I smirked at him and he shot out his bunny glares again.

Yes... It's all in my plans. You see, making him angry, is a way of making him think of me all the time. And thinking of me all the time will increase his feelings for me. I encourage everyone to try this method out.

So, when I saw him running to catch the lift, I smirked and jabbed the lift button and it closed on him.

My cute silly bunny... He even smiled and said "Please wait!" I am sure he is going to get so mad that he can't get me off his mind."

Xiao Zhan huffed and pouted as he read in disbelief. This Wang Yibo... He made him so angry but it was all part of his plans! Xiao Zhan hurriedly read the next post too.

"Today is my third day seeing him, which means my third day making him angry. Ahh... If he falls for me sooner, he can become happy everyday instead of being angry everyday.

But he looks very cute when he is angry. He huffs and puffs, not like the big bad wolf but like a cute bunny or a porcupine who would open up his thorns. Or maybe a pufferfish... A very cute pufferfish.

Anyway, he opened the lift for me but I did not get in and said "No need" Ahhh... It's such a pity that I could not record this moment down.

He was so angry that he was puffing up. I almost saw smoke rising from his head. I chuckled to myself when the lift doors closed.

Ahh... It was such a good chance to be with my cute bunny alone in the lift but I have to continue making him think of me all the time, just like he makes me think of him all the time.

These three consecutive days were all going well but my CEO suddenly ordered me to go overseas... I will definitely miss my bunny. I hope he misses me too."

"S-Shameless!" Xiao Zhan blushed as he read. He isn't a porcupine! Or a pufferfish! Or a bunny! And he wasn't Yibo's yet! That confident handsome man...

Xiao Zhan suddenly missed Yibo a lot more but he really wanted to finish reading all the posts before thinking of how to get his revenge on his scheming boyfriend.

"I sincerely thank our CEO for sending me overseas! Guess who he sent too? It's my cute silly bunny who I miss every second!

Ahhh... It's going to be so much fun. I am going to tease him and make him shoot his bunny glares and ultimately, make him fall for me!

I will not be posting, because I have to spend my energy on him, or planning something. Hope I can share with you all my good news of getting together with him!"

Xiao Zhan blushed. He felt happy that Yibo kept thinking about him. He could feel how much Yibo adores him through the posts.

Xiao Zhan scrolled to the next one. Getting to know Yibo's thoughts are so interesting and heart warming.

"I did not plan to post throughout the trip but I can't stand it! So many people are laying their eyes on my man!

The staff we just hired, a receptionist, actually asked about him! I took the contact number she handed me and threw it in the bin.

But! The investor we met actually laid his eyes on him and asked if he is single! Just the thought of his eyes scanning my bunny up and down made me mad but...

I told him that my bunny is married and he actually winked at my bunny! He pointed out that my bunny had no ring on his hand and that if he is single he can find him.

Who does he think he is? I will very quickly put my ring on my bunny! Well, I know my bunny isn't actually mine yet but...

After observing and spending time with my bunny, my feelings only grows more and more. Besides, I am sure he is already unknowingly falling for me! I'll definitely put a ring on his finger soon."

Xiao Zhan blushed as he read and looked at his fingers. A ring... A ring from Yibo on his hand would be perfect. Xiao Zhan blushed even more.

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