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Xiao Zhan followed them and soon, he saw Cheng Xiao chasing her bodyguards away. "Why aren't your doing your job!" Xiao Zhan hissed as he watched the bodyguards leave the two alone.

Xiao Zhan narrowed his eyes when Cheng Xiao wrapped her arm around Yibo's. Xiao Zhan turned around and stomped his feet.

"Yibo you cheater, you said you like me!" Xiao Zhan muttered then turned back and panicked when they weren't there.

Xiao Zhan quickly followed them and finally caught sight of them turning into a corner. Xiao Zhan peeped past the wall and his jaw dropped.

The two were standing, facing each other, and Cheng Xiao had her arms wrapped around Yibo's neck.

Yibo's POV

She is dragging me again, into another corner. I saw my cute bunny following us just now and now all I can think of is him.

Suddenly, I realised she wrapped her arms around my neck. Disgusting. I don't care if she doesn't invest. But I only want my Zhan Zhan to be near me.

I was just about to push her away when a beautiful voice funnily disturbed us. My cute silly bunny.

3rd Person POV

"I'm in the corner! Watching you kiss her! Oh, oh, oh!~" Yibo immediately turned to face Xiao Zhan with an amused raised brow.

"And I'm right over here! Why can't you see me?! Oh, oh, oh!~" Xiao Zhan continued singing sadly yet loudly, his hand clutching his heart.

"I can see you..." Yibo said as he walked closer but Xiao Zhan still continued. "And I'm giving it my all! But I'm not the guy you're taking home! Oooh~"

"... I'll only ever take you home" Yibo said and grabbed Xiao Zhan's hand while Xiao Zhan sang away while stretching his other hand out "I keep dancing on my own~"

Yibo sighed and knocked Xiao Zhan on his head "Shut up" Xiao Zhan pouted and was about to open his mouth when Yibo said "One more word and I'll leave you behind"

Xiao Zhan immediately closed his mouth and made a bigger pout as Yibo pulled him away, leaving a stunned Cheng Xiao. What was going on?

"... Where are we going?" Xiao Zhan asked Yibo but Yibo only continued dragging him. "Where are we going?" Xiao Zhan shouted and Yibo stopped.

He pushed Xiao Zhan against the wall "Why did you disturb us?" Xiao Zhan bit his lower lip and after a while, softly muttered "B-Because... Because you like me!"

"You're mistaken" Yibo smirked, making Xiao Zhan shocked and teary. "Y-You..." Xiao Zhan mumbled in disbelief.

"I hate you!" Xiao Zhan cried and wanted to run away but Yibo trapped him and sighed. "You hate me? But I love you... So much..."

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened. Yibo moved up and kissed Xiao Zhan, knowing Xiao Zhan would not reject the kiss.

Xiao Zhan blushed as Yibo placed another kiss on his lips. Xiao Zhan shyly sang "You upset me boy~ And then you kiss my lips~ All of a sudden I forget, that I was upset~"

Before he could sing any further, Yibo dragged him. "W-Where are we going?" Xiao Zhan asked shyly with a blush on his face.

Yibo smirked. "To my hotel room. I would bring you to my home but we're stuck here now. So, my hotel room" Yibo said proudly.

"W-Why would I go to your room or your home!" Xiao Zhan said but Yibo only smirked "When you expressed your feelings to me just now, I'm sure you wanted me to take you home"

"I-I I did not express my feelings!" Xiao Zhan protested. Yibo chuckled and ruffled Xiao Zhan's hair. "Then I guess I will not bring you back to my room nor my home"

Xiao Zhan's jaw dropped and he immediately jumped on Yibo, his four limbs clinging around Yibo. "To your hotel room! Now! Nowhere else!"

Yibo chuckled and walked to his hotel room with a clingy koala on him, refusing to get down.

Once they entered the hotel room, Xiao Zhan heaved a sigh of relief. He was about to get down but Yibo grabbed his butt, preventing him from getting off.

"Y-Yibo... Let me down..." Xiao Zhan stuttered. Yibo walked to the bed and sat down, making Xiao Zhan sit on his lap. "You didn't want to get off. I thought that we will be stuck like that forever."

Xiao Zhan blushed and tried to escape but Yibo held him close. "I said I love you, but I don't remember you saying anything"

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