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Xiao Zhan sighed as he laid on the bed. This investor is so troublesome... Xiao Zhan rolled over and sighed again. He couldn't sleep.

Xiao Zhan got up and went to the open swimming pool. It had a nice view and Xiao Zhan felt very relaxed as he dipped his legs inside.

"Why are you here?" A deep voice sounded. It gave Xiao Zhan a shock but did not disturb him. In fact, Xiao Zhan felt a little warmth and excitement.

"I... Can't sleep. You?" Xiao Zhan asked. Yibo rolled his eyes as he sat beside Xiao Zhan and dipped his legs "There's a monster in your previous room"

Xiao Zhan burst into giggles as his arm rested on Yibo's shoulder. Xiao Zhan laughed and pointed at Yibo in disbelief.

When Xiao Zhan's laughter died down, he was facing Yibo, which suddenly made him feel a little awkward.

Yibo slowly moved closer and when Xiao Zhan closed his eyes, Yibo did not hesitate to kiss him.

After a long kiss, Xiao Zhan's lips were bitten and sucked swollen. "W-Why did you kiss me?" Xiao Zhan stuttered as he fiddled around with his fingers.

Yibo placed his hand on Xiao Zhan's head and ruffled his hair. "Silly, are you really older than me? Of course I have feelings for you. I like you"

Xiao Zhan blushed and fidgeted around. But by the time he was about to speak, he realised Yibo had gone back. Xiao Zhan pouted and went back to his new room.

Lying on the bed, Xiao Zhan thought of Yibo's words and smiled silly to himself. He fell asleep that night with a huge smile on his face.

For some unknown reasons, throughout the night, Xiao Zhan was occasionally pouting his lips, even moving them against the air.

The next day, Xiao Zhan went down in high spirits, but was shocked to see Yibo and Cheng Xiao walking out of the lift and into the lobby together.

"You two..." Xiao Zhan stuttered and Cheng Xiao smiled widely "Yibo Ge waited outside my door for me!"

"... I see..." Xiao Zhan muttered, feeling some unknown disappointment in him. Cheng Xiao porudly walked ahead and Xiao Zhan put on a smile.

"You're doing great!" Xiao Zhan said softly while nudging Yibo. Xiao Zhan then continued "Maybe if I leave you to do the tour alone, she will be happier!"

Yibo stopped, startling Xiao Zhan. "I agree. I will do the tour myself. This way we can have some private time so that she will be happier. You can do your own things."

Yibo then walked ahead, leaving a shocked Xiao Zhan behind. "I... I was just saying..." Xiao Zhan muttered, tears almost welling up in his eyes.

Xiao Zhan huffed and sat back on the couch with a wronged expression. Yibo wanted to spend alone time with her? He even waited outside the door for her!

Where did the Yibo who called her a monster go? Where did the Yibo who said he liked him last night go?

Xiao Zhan stomped his feet and threw a mini tantrum by himself before silently following behind them.

"I'm only following because I don't want this weird Yibo to do any improper thing to her!" Xiao Zhan whispered to himself while following from a distance.

Like I said, this idea came from The Wolf...

Yibo's reactions:

Yibo when he saw Cheng Xiao: Fuck... How about I invest my money instead of entertaining her...

Yibo after he heard Cheng Xiao speak: Save my ears... I only need to hear Xiao Zhan's voice...

Yibo the moment Cheng Xiao is anywhere near him: So annoying...

Yibo when Cheng Xiao said he waited for her in the morning: ... I was just passing by to get to the lift!

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