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Hi guys, since the moment I woke up today, I decided I would be too tired to make a post today but guess what!

I met the rude, annoying, handsome for nothing man again! Why of all people! I just finished eating lunch with my colleague and we were about to leave when I spotted him!

He glanced at me and gave a smirk that tells me he looks down on me! How dare he! This rude, proud, annoying, handsome for nothing man!

I was so happy during my lunch break and he ruined it with that smug face of his! But I have to complain to god, why does he look better while smirking? Better than that cold face of his...

If I had his face... I would smirk at everyone and charm everyone!

Anyway! I decided to throw these few seconds to the back of my head but I met him again!

Me and my colleague decided to go window shopping for the extra half an hour we have left and we got carried away!

We ran to the lift and we saw someone inside. "Please wait!" I shouted with my hand raised as I ran with all my might.

I then realised inside stood one person. That's right! The rude, proud, annoying, handsome for nothing man!

I even flashed him a smile while shouting "Please wait!" again but all he did was stand with both hands in front of him while smirking.

That *******! I really hope one day he runs to catch the lift just to meet me, smirking at him while doing nothing!

I would feel better thinking about it but since it did not happen, I am still angered by him. What did I even do to him?

Even while doing my work, I keep getting distracted! How can someone be so rude and impolite and petty and annoyingly handsome!

My belly is full of anger. I will have to drink my favourite lotus pork rib soup made by my sister before I can forget about this *******!

Thankfully I persuaded her to make some for her precious little brother. See you on my next post and hope it will be a better day for all of us!

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