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Xiao Zhan rushed out and gave Yibo a glare "So you do know how to knock" Yibo shrugged "Too lazy to enter your messy room"

Xiao Zhan stomped his feet as Yibo walked away. Rude! They reached a fine dining place and Xiao Zhan gasped.

He tugged Yibo's shirt "T-This is definitely paid by the company r-right?" Xiao Zhan saw the menu and their cheapest item was sparkling water which cost USD$20.

Their cheapest salad costs USD$50 while a plate of grilled chicken chop cost USD$90. Of course, their signature dishes were all beef which costs way more. Yibo turned to Xiao Zhan and seriously said "No"

Xiao Zhan's eyes widened but he had no choice but to follow Yibo in. When he sat there, he fidgeted about while Yibo ordered.

When the waiter left, Xiao Zhan was sweating buckets. "You! What you just ordered for four people would cost more than USD$700!"

"Wang" Yibo said and Xiao Zhan frowned "What?" "My name is not "you". You can call me by my surname."

"Fine. Mr Wang, I am okay with a salad" Xiao Zhan crossed his arm "You don't have to order a main dish for me"

Yibo raised a brow. "You? A salad? I'm sure I saw you order three portion in that restaurant and you finished it"

Xiao Zhan's face flushed. Who could blame him for being hungry? "I-I'm not hungry today! And don't call me "you" either! My name is Xiao Zhan!"

Yibo chuckled "Okay Mr Xiao. If it makes you hungry, this meal is paid by the company."

Xiao Zhan's eyes sparkled. "I'm hungry! Very hungry!" He shouted as he ran to Yibo's side to look at the menu.

"Mr Wang, let's order this, this, this, this, and that too!" Xiao Zhan said and Yibo looked at him. "Greedy"

"Y-You!" Xiao Zhan huffed. "I'm ordering this for the investors! Are you planning on starving them?"

Yibo went closer to Xiao Zhan and said "No one eats as much as you." Xiao Zhan gulped at the sudden closeness and stammered as he moved back.

"F-Fine!" Xiao Zhan huffed and went back to his seat with a pout. Yibo looked at him and said nothing.

Soon, the investors came and Yibo spoke to them in English. Xiao Zhan's jaw dropped. How does Yibo seem even hotter while speaking english?

... Xiao Zhan means, how does Yibo seem moderately hot while speaking english. Just a little hot. Not too much.

Yibo introduced Xiao Zhan which made Xiao Zhan flustered. He shook their hands and said "Hello, hello"

Xiao Zhan waited for them to sit before sitting down while feeling nervous. What alien language are they speaking?

Whenever there were questions about the design, Yibo would translate them to Xiao Zhan, then back to the investors.

At the end of the lunch, Xiao Zhan pouted because the food was indeed good! And such good, expensive food was actually paid by the company! He should have forced Wang Yibo to order more!

Suddenly, the investor chuckled. "Mr Xiao is very cute. Is he single?"

A dark glint flashed past Yibo's eyes as he replied with a cold smile "Sorry, he is already married"

"Oh... I see" The investor sighed with a regretful face and went to Xiao Zhan to hug him goodbye.

"You are very cute, I see that you don't wear your ring. If you are ever single again, you can come find me" He winked and pat Xiao Zhan's head before leaving with his partner.

"What did he say?" Xiao Zhan asked Yibo with his big innocent eyes. He heard the investor say "Mr Xiao" and he wondered what the investor said to him before leaving.

"Ugly. He said that you are very ugly and that you should never come here to find a partner." Yibo said before walking ahead.

"You! So rude!" Xiao Zhan huffed and pouted. He then frowned "That investor is so rude... Am I that ugly? Then why did he wink and pat my head?"

Xiao Zhan's jaw dropped as he thought of something. "W-Was he laughing at me being ugly?!"

"Yes. Now let's go" Yibo said and Xiao Zhan glared at him "I am not ugly!"

Xiao Zhan huffed and mumbled to himself while following Yibo.

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