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Xiao Zhan woke up in the morning, feeling someone nibbling on his lips. Frowning, Xiao Zhan pushed Yibo away.

Yibo woke up earlier and had been staring and admiring Xiao Zhan and after some time, could not help but leave pecks and hickeys and finally, decided to nibble on Xiao Zhan's lips.

"Morning, sleepyhead" Yibo grinned which made Xiao Zhan blush. "P-Pervert!" Xiao Zhan hissed and turned around but felt his back being electrocuted.

"Ow..." Xiao Zhan slowly sat up as he rubbed his back. He decided to stand up and stretch but it was a bad idea since his legs became jelly and he wobbled around.

Yibo hugged his waist and pulled Xiao Zhan onto his lap. "Zhan, are you really seducing me this early in the morning?"

"You pervert! Who seduced you! My legs are so jelly that I can't stand!" Xiao Zhan hissed, making Yibo chuckle.

"Hmm, you look comfortable lying down" Yibo said once he laid Xiao Zhan down. Xiao Zhan blushed and tried to hide but Yibo held him down and kissed him.

"Hey Zhan, look who's up" Yibo teased as he poked at Xiao Zhan's cock. Xiao Zhan blushed further "It's all your fault!"

"Yes, it's all my fault" Yibo replied proudly and Xiao Zhan held his arm "Faster! Take responsibility for it!"

"Of course!" Yibo immediately replied and started preparing Xiao Zhan's hole before thrusting his own hard cock in.

They spent the morning making love in bed before getting up in the afternoon. "Zhan, don't you feel like we are on a vacation or a honeymoon? With you here I don't feel like working at all" Yibo hugged Xiao Zhan.

"Me either" Xiap Zhan whispered as he shifted himself closer into Yibo's embrace. Suddenly, Yibo's phone received a notification.

"Zhan... our CEO can read my thoughts? He actually asked me to go back today while you stay here for another two days as planned..." Yibo frowned.

Xiao Zhan unknowingly wrapped his arms around Yibo tighter, making Yibo feel proud. He cupped Xiao Zhan's face and kissed him everywhere several times.

"I can't bear to leave you" Yibo sighed and Xiao Zhan pouted "It's all your fault. I don't think I can sleep on this cold bed alone..."

Yibo frowned at Xiao Zhan's words. He can't bear to let Xiao Zhan sleep here alone either. "How about I pretend not to see our CEO's message?"

Yibo's phone rang again and the two looked at it. There was a message "Now. It's important. And you have already seen my previous message so don't think of running away"

Xiao Zhan giggled "Our CEO can really read your thoughts!" Yibo rolled his eyes "Fine! It's only two days! After that when you come back I will kiss you, hug you and of course, make love to you!"

"Pervert!" Xiao Zhan mumbled but hugged Yibo tightly, rubbing against him. Yibo immediately went silent. "Zhan... You're seducing me again..."

"I'm not! I just don't want you to leave!" Xiao Zhan said but Yibo pushed him down "You clearly rubbed yourself on me while being so cute and asking me not to leave! That's cheating! That's seducing me!"

"Y-Yibo... If you continue, I don't know when I can stand up..." Xiao Zhan muttered. Yibo chuckled. Even though he felt turned on, he was just teasing Xiao Zhan.

But before Yibo could move away, Xiao Zhan pushed Yibo down and hugged his waist, kissing his cock.

"Bo Bo, how about a blowjob?" Xiao Zhan asked. Yibo instantly got harder and bigger, his ear turning red. Xiao Zhan giggled and placed kisses on his cock.

Slowly, Xiao Zhan started licking too and finally, thrusted Yibo's cock in his mouth. Xiao Zhan moaned when Yibo's cock hit the back of his throat.

Xiao Zhan continued, either moaning while sucking or looking into Yibo's eyes. The view and the pleasure was too much for Yibo, who could not help but also lightly thrust his hips upward.

Finally, Yibo released in Xiao Zhan's mouth. Xiao Zhan swallowed it. "My present for 2 days" Xiao Zhan grinned mischeviously.

Yibo blinked, stunned, and his cock hardened again. "Zhan! You're seducing me!" Xiao Zhan who was being mischevious became shocked "W-What?"

"How can you be so seductive! The way you licked your lips and the way you looked at me! And your hand is still holding my cock!" Yibo gasped.

Xiao Zhan blushed and immediately took his hand away, as if he was touching a burning thing. Xiao Zhan slowly moved away from Yibo, slowly pulling the blanket over his body.

Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan as if he was his prey and pounced on him. "Yibo!" Xiao Zhan moaned. "There! I only pounced on you and you moaned my name so seductively! You're seducing me!" Yibo pointed out.

Xiao Zhan blushed hard. "Fine! I'm seducing you! Now will you hurry?" Xiao Zhan replied. He can't help it! While sucking Yibo, his own cock had already hardened while his back hole felt itchy and kept twitching.

Yibo rubbed his cock which had cum and Xiao Zhan's saliva against Xiao Zhan's hole, which started sucking him in.

Yibo groaned as he pushed in but when his cock was fully buried into Xiao Zhan's hole, he stopped moving.

"Move..." Xiao Zhan said with a blush which made Yibo smile. "Zhan, you're too cute" Yibo grinned before connecting their lips, kissing him deeply.

Xiao Zhan moaned in Yibo's mouth, especially when Yibo started moving and thrusting his hips.

There they spent another few hours before Yibo really had to pack up and leave. Xiao Zhan laid in bed like a sick patient who could not move.

Xiao Zhan looked at Yibo's smiling face and narrowed his eyes "Stop staring at me. It's all your fault, you horny pervert!"

Yibo chuckled and leaned down, kissing Xiao Zhan's lips. "Who asked you to be so sweet, I can't stop especially when you seduced me!"

"I didn't seduce you!" Xiao Zhan blushed and Yibo laughed but hugged him. "See you in two days" Yibo sighed as he placed kisses and pecks on Xiao Zhan's face.

"Mn, see you. You should leave or you will miss the flight" Xiao Zhan said which made Yibo's face light up "That would be great!"

"And then you will be jobless!" Xiao Zhan added which made the two smile at each other and laugh.

"Bye, Zhan, I miss you already" Yibo kissed Xiao Zhan on the lips and left before he can't control himself. Once Yibo left, Xiao Zhan blushed while touching his lips.

"I miss you too..." Xiao Zhan sighed and pulled the blanket over him. They have just known each other and were picking at each other but suddenly, they got together.

And Xiao Zhan already hated the cold bed without Yibo beside to hug him, kiss him, cuddle him and make love to him.

Reaching for his phone, Xiao Zhan turned on the online forum and began writing his post.

"Hi everyone, I have some updates! My boyfriend took the initiative to press himself against me but I actually took the initiative to go further!

I can't believe I actually behaved so shamelessly! But I enjoyed it... Hehe 😝 He went back earlier but I miss him already!

There, I just wanted to share my relationship and make a few of you jealous! I will post again when I see him again! Bye!"

Xiao Zhan giggled to himself as he posted mischeviously before checking the comments on his previous post. And a comment attracted his attention.

"Everybody! Check out this account! @Anonymous85! The time and things posted is very similar to @Zhan1005's posts! It even mentioned the wasabi kiss! @Zhan1005, is this your new boyfriend's account?!"

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