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This shit was just too perfect

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This shit was just too perfect. That nigga Jahaad was dead and so were all my troubles. I couldn't believe that somebody got to the nigga before I could. Shit, I was planning on knocking the nigga off soon but somebody beat me to it. Whoever it was, I needed to thank them. With ole boy out the way I could finally get I'Vonna back on my team. Babygirl was young, naïve, and easily manipulated— three of my favorite traits in a bitch. I wasn't coming up off her at all and as soon as I got her back, she was gone know that. I had to play the game smart at the moment though. So what did I do, you ask?

I mustered up the most sincere expression I could and knocked on her grandmother's apartment door lightly. It took a few minutes for someone to answer but when the door swung open, I'Vonna was standing there looking sexy as ever. She only had on a fitted crop top and a pair of boy shorts that had her thighs on full display.

"I guess you're here to kill me next, right?" She asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"It ain't even like that, baby girl. I just came to check on you." I said as I leaned against the door frame. "I heard about your boy and I figured you was over here going through it. I wanted to come by and make sure you was good, princess. That's all."

"Did you do it, Kydric? Please be real with me." She looked like she was searching for a sign that I might be lying. This was the first time I could look her in her eyes and actually tell her the honest truth. Shit, I wish I would've been the one to put that nigga in the dirt— but I wasn't and that was a fact. I could see why she might've felt differently though. I mean, last time I saw the nigga I basically told him I was gonna kill his ass right in front of her. I never got to carry out my threat, but I didn't know if she'd believe that.

"Nah, I didn't. I aint seen the nigga since that day in Waffle House when you was on ya lil date." I said honestly, looking past her. "You gone let a nigga in or what?"

"I don't think that's a good idea. The last time you saw me, you were calling me all kinds of bitches. You even said your were gonna kill me, Kydric—" I quickly grabbed her up in my arms when I saw a tear roll down her face. Time to bring out my best acting skills.

"I was just talkin and you know dat. I would never do no shit to hurt you, Vonna. Shit, I love you! Man, you don't understand how pissed I was that day— seeing you all loved up wit another nigga, like I ain't mean a damn thing to you." She pulled away from me and I knew she was probably about to bring up seeing me at the football game with Alita. I didn't give her the chance though. "As much as I do for you, Vonna, and you just gone play me like that? All them name brand clothes in your closet, all those designer handbags and them diamonds in yo ears—" I pointed at the earrings I got for her that day in the mall. "— allat shit I got for you, because I love you, baby girl. I take care of you, don't I?"

BY THE BLOOD (URBAN)Where stories live. Discover now