Five-Ken & Ky.

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"So how long are you back for this time, Patrice?" I folded my arms as I leaned against my mahogany desk

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"So how long are you back for this time, Patrice?" I folded my arms as I leaned against my mahogany desk. I was still shocked as hell that my mother was even sitting across from me right now. It was only yesterday that she'd shown up uninvited and unannounced at KD's game, but I didn't want her to get comfortable. I wanted to figure out what her motives were. She looked slightly different than the last time I'd seen her. The clothes she wore actually looked clean, her shoes weren't on the wrong feet and instead of her hair being all over her head, it was combed back into a ponytail. However, her face was still skinny, the bags under her eyes were still recognizable and the fresh needle marks on her arm confirmed what I'd already known— she was still using.

"Why you trying to rush me off, Kenny?" She asked through a raspy voice. "I just wanted to come and check up on y'all— a mama can't come check on her kids?" I smirked when she said that.

"You waited a hell of a long time to try and play mama." I said bitterly. You couldn't let your guard down with her. I was used to her antics after all these years and although it was good to know that she was still alive, I knew she wasn't gonna be around here for too long.

"I did the best that I could, Kendrick. You need to understand tha—" I waved her off and she sighed.

"I'm not trying to have no heart-to-heart with you, alright?" I said seriously. "Now, we had a deal. What the hell are you doing back?"

She shifted in her seat uncomfortably. "I need more money."

"What the hell you mean you need more money? I gave you enough last time you were here!" I found myself yelling. "How the fuck do you spend fifty grand in six months?"

"Don't you cuss at me! I'm still your mama—"

"You ain't never been no mother to me!!" I shouted. Just looking at her was pissing me off and all I wanted was to get this woman out of my damn house.

"Now, you wait just a damn minute!" She stood up and got in my face. "Don't you ever say no shit like that— after everything I've done for you?!"

"Best thing you ever did for me was push me out your vagina on grandma's kitchen floor thirty fucking years ago! So bravo—" I clapped. "—Congratulations to you, Patrice. They should name you mother of the fucking year!"


My head snapped to the side and I looked back at her. Her hand was shaking and she had tears in her eyes. "I did more for you and your brothers than you will ever know, Kendrick." She said, but I wasn't trying to hear it.

BY THE BLOOD (URBAN)Where stories live. Discover now