Twelve- Ken, Ky & Harlem.

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The past two days had been exhausting and I'd barely been able to get any sleep

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The past two days had been exhausting and I'd barely been able to get any sleep. I was nervous as hell waiting for information from Brooks and the thought of receiving more bad news made my stomach churn. After bringing him home from the police station, I spent the whole night trying to get Kareem to tell me everything that happened, but he got upset every time I brought it up. He'd been very antisocial the last few nights and had barely stepped foot out of his room. I knew my baby brother like the back of my hand— something else was bothering him. I wasn't stressed for the time being, I knew when he was ready to tell me, he would. That's why I didn't pressure him.

On top of that I had my own shit going on. Even after telling Ramona that I was ready to have a child, we still argued. This time she was upset because I'd 'waited too long' to make up my mind. I didn't know how to please the damn woman, she found something wrong with just about everything. We had a fight the other night that was so bad, I went downstairs and slept in one of the guest rooms. I didn't have anywhere else to go— my other outlets were gone at the moment. Bird was mad at me for ditching him at the hotel and I couldn't go see my babygirl because Trinette wasn't answering my calls. Life was kicking my ass right now and I was really on the verge of a meltdown.

I sat on the sofa in our basement as I stared at the large TV mounted on the wall. As always, I was watching the news and they were talking about how this week had been one of the bloodiest weeks that the Memphis Police Department had ever seen.

"As this week concludes, new statistics have shown that more people died in this week alone, than any other week in the history of our city. It was only three days ago on Tuesday evening, that the badly burned body of convenience store clerk, Lao Jiang, was found inside of his store, that had also been burned down."

I sipped my glass of Henny as the news reporter spoke. I knew about the murder of Lao— I was the one who ordered it. He'd stolen money from our business and that was one thing I simply couldn't tolerate. My father always told me that if you forgave a man for stealing from you, he'd find some kind of way to do it again— your job as boss was to never give him that opportunity again.

"Just a day later, a gruesome scene was discovered in a small, residential area of Lakeville— where the bodies of four males and one woman were found— they'd all been shot to death."

Now that caught my attention. I sat my glass down on the glass table and leaned forward as the woman continued to speak.

"Authorities say it could possibly have been a drug deal gone bad since fifty pounds of heroin where confiscated from a Sierra Denali parked only a few feet away from the house. The truck is believed to have belonged to one of the four men, though it has not yet been confirmed."

I leaned back against the sofa with my mind heavy. Somehow I knew that my guys were involved. I should've listened to the details more when Bird told me they had something planned, but it was too late now. I just hoped they did a clean job so the shit wouldn't come back to us. I was tired of paying off these crooked ass cops.

BY THE BLOOD (URBAN)Where stories live. Discover now