Twenty:Six-Ken, K.D. & Ky.

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"We need to talk." I hated hearing those words. They were never a sign of something good. It was a sign that something was wrong and needed to be addressed. The frown on her face and her overall body language let me know that this was something serious. I took a seat on the park bench and motioned for her to do the same. She did just that, but she refused to look at me.

"Tell me wassup, Trinette."

"I'll tell you wassup—" She snapped her head in my direction and my eyes went straight to her mouth. The corners were still sliced and curved upward, despite two cosmetic surgeries. The wounds were almost healed, but the scars would remain forever. I felt somewhat guilty for what happened to her, although I still didn't know the full story of what went down.

"Take a good, long look Kendrick." I quickly averted my gaze but she didn't seem bothered. "Bodies have been dropping around here non stop and I am not trying to be one of them." She reached into her purse and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.

"What's this?" I asked after she threw it in my lap.

"That's the second letter I've found in my mailbox this week, Kendrick." She folded her arms over her chest, her tone laced with aggravation. I peeped down at the paper, the handwriting familiar.

You and baby girl are next

I read the message over and over, before balling the paper up and throwing it on the ground.

"Look, I know you frustrated and you got every right to be. Just know that I'm taking care of it, aight? I'ma put an end to this shit real soon."

"What about Kallie? What if you don't end this shit soon enough and she gets caught in the crossfire of you and whoever you're beefing with? What then, Kendrick?"

"I told you I'm handling it. That nigga Black is dead the minute I see him. I can assure you of that." I looked back at over at Trinette and she seemed to be in some sort of daze. Her eyes got wide and they immediately filled with tears. She put her head down.

"Yo, wassup? You okay?"

"Black. I know that name....he's the one who cut me. He's the reason my face is like this!" She cried angrily and I felt my blood rise to an all time high. I wasn't surprised that he was the one who'd done something so vile, the nigga was just crazy like that. I was more pissed at Nette for not giving up his name sooner. This shit could've been handled much sooner if she had.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me, Nette?!" I hopped up from the bench and stood over her. "I asked you over and over again, and all this time you been holding out on me. Why?!"

BY THE BLOOD (URBAN)Where stories live. Discover now