Four- Ky & K.D.

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Playing games was one thing I just wouldn't tolerate

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Playing games was one thing I just wouldn't tolerate. I was never one to tiptoe around the tree— I was the kind of man who would chop that fucking tree down and feed the branches to my enemies. I shook my head at the already bruised and battered man who sat tied up in front of me. It was only ten in the morning, but the darkness of the basement made it look like it was midnight."You know, the fact that you sitting here lyin' in my face is an insult to my intelligence." I told him."We know it was you."

After leaving the shop yesterday, Ken and I got word that someone had robbed our stash spot on Bridgedale Avenue. Nine kilos of cocaine and twenty thousand dollars in cash were both missing. Initially, Kendrick thought it might've been some of Tommy's guys but after careful inspection of the scene left behind, I quickly ruled out that theory.

BHZ dudes were reckless when it came to robberies. They'd get what they came for, tear the place up from top to bottom and then leave a note saying that it was them who did it. There wasn't anything that seemed out of the ordinary when the crew arrived at the trap that same night, so I knew it couldn't have been them. Nothing was broken, nothing was out of place and the only thing missing was our product and money. All that seemed suspicious to me was the unlocked back door.

Even with that, I still couldn't figure out who would've wanted to rob us. We had so many people coming for our heads these days and everybody had a motive, but it was hard to keep track of shit like that. After a while, Kendrick decided to just accept that we'd been hit and he went back out to the car. I wasn't giving up so easily though.

As I was scanning the room for anything that seemed off, I heard a small clank underneath my sneaker and when I looked down there was a golden key lying on the floor. I looked at it carefully and when I turned it over the engraved initials DH told me everything I needed to know.

"Demetrius Hardy." I said out loud as I shook my head. Even I couldn't believe it but once I saw the initials on the key, it all made sense. We'd spoken to Meech only a few hours earlier while we were waiting on KD to come downstairs. He said that he had a new shipment of hand grenades and ammunition that he wanted to drop off at the trap, but since we were gonna be busy at the shop we told him to just use the key he had from back in the day— silly us. We typically had somebody at the trap to monitor everything that was going down, but we gave our guy, Ali, the evening off since his girl was getting ready to have his child.

"Why, Meech?" Kendrick asked. I honestly wanted to know too. We'd been nothing but good to this cat, even when he decided to walk away, yet here he was in deep shit because he betrayed us. "Why'd you do it?"

He looked up with two black eyes, one almost swollen shut. "J-Just gone head an-and kill me, man." He said looking over at me as blood dripped from his mouth with each word he spoke.

"Oh, I'm getting to that." I said. Friend or not, this nigga had violated in the worst way possible and I was gonna make him pay for it.

"You need to answer my question first." Ken said, folding his arms over his chest.

BY THE BLOOD (URBAN)Where stories live. Discover now