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'I have an idea, instead of using Aaron as bait we should send y/n inside on their own,' Zak suggests, sitting cockily in nerve centre staring at you, waiting for you to challenge him.

Zak had been getting on your nerves recently but this was the first time on a lockdown he had wanted to send you in on your own. His little jabs and pranks were close to breaking you but you refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing how nervous you were at the prospect of going in on your own when a negative entity liked to target women.

'Ok, fine with me, it's the attic right?' You speak calmly, masking your true feelings.

Zak sits up in his chair staring at you, but this time instead of cockiness you see fear probably not expecting you to say yes.

You get up and pick up the required equipment smirking, knowing that you'd gotten one up on Zak, 'what's the worst that could happen? I mean you guys will be watching on cameras.'

Oh, you knew shit could happen, this negative entity had pushed women downstairs, dragged them by the hair and liked to cause chest pains. Billy, Jay and your brother Aaron stay quiet knowing not to get in between you and Zak. Being a Goodwin getting sent in alone as bait was a given, now you had to prove yourself to become a more permanent member.

Grabbing a walkie talkie you turn and walk towards the once beautiful house left to ruin for no real reason other than it being haunted. Resting the camera on your shoulder you step inside and the atmosphere changes, and your nerves double sensing something was watching you and it wasn't just the guys.

You make your way upstairs and struggle to get the attic door open like you weren't welcome up there, 'did you guys lock this door as some sort of joke?'

'That door doesn't have a lock sis,' Aaron answers through the walkie talkie.

You huff, turn around and place the camera on a shelf behind you, because no way in hell were you going to bested by a wooden door, 'one way or another I'm getting up there.'

Holding the handle you pull but it doesn't budge. However a loud growl close to your ear makes you stop and jump backwards, it wasn't a friendly growl.


When Billy and I had been in the attic earlier the door was open so why y/n couldn't open it was a mystery. I never expected y/n to take me up on my challenge because like her brother she could get easily scared and usually helped Jay monitor the cameras.

'One way or another I'm getting up there,' y/n huffs, determined, a trait I admired but would never tell her.

The four of us watch y/n struggle with the handle when a loud feral growl is picked up not just on y/n's camera but also the camera at the end of the hallway. y/n jumps backwards and pulls out the spirit box turning it on.

'GET OUT!' A distinct and clear male voice comes through the box before y/n can even say anything.

'Look at the camera behind y/n, can you see a black figure?' Jay speaks up.

We gather around the monitor and see a large black shadow looming behind y/n. The shadow then lunges towards y/n, and before any of the others can react I'm out of nerve centre and running towards the house, guilt eating away at me if anything bad happened to her.

By the time I make it upstairs the shadow is gone and y/n is on the floor not moving. I crouch down and check for a pulse which I find, and send a little prayer up to whoever was listening.

'Let's get you out of here y/n.'

I pick her up and carry her downstairs and out of the house when Aaron comes running up to us panting, 'is she okay Zak?'

I nod, 'just passed out, I'll take her to the RV to rest up.'

I carry y/n to the RV and place her down on the sofa brushing some hair off her face as they slowly come around, 'easy, y/n, easy. You passed out, so just stay laying down for a minute or two, alright?'

y/n blinks a few times, 'maybe send my brother in next time Zak.'

I can't hide my laughter as I continue to stroke her hair, 'sorry for being an ass, I didn't think you'd actually go in. For someone with asthma, I ran like a bat out of hell the second I saw you were in danger.'

y/n snorts, 'your secret is safe with me Mr Bagans.'

I raise an eyebrow confused, 'what secret y/n?'

'Behind the tough exterior is a soft interior. You can be a right douchebag but deep down you care. I think I like your caring side,' y/n replies then yawns.

I get up, walk over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water, before finding a blanket, 'get some rest y/n. Maybe I'll show you more of my caring side in the future.'

I drape the blanket over y/n and they fall asleep pretty quickly, probably having been drained by the entity. I lean down and plant a kiss on her forehead, Aaron would never approve so, for now, I'd keep my walls up and y/n in the dark about my true feelings.

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