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Jay had taken some time off so it was now up to you to fill his role while he was gone. It was your job to go around the building setting up cameras on the marked spots Zak and Aaron had put down earlier while they did god knows what with Billy. Being in a haunted building didn't scare you like it used to, Zak had told you the way to get over your fear was to face it, so you repaid him by placing dolls all around his house to help him get over his fear. Aaron, your boyfriend and partner in crime had been more than happy to help you if it meant scaring Zak for once.

You were in one of the upstairs bedrooms setting up a camera when you feel warm breath on the back of your neck making you smile, 'seriously Aaron you're going to have to do better than that if you want to scare me.'

Next thing you know a familiar set of arms wrap themselves around your waist and you're pulled back against Aaron's chest, 'I'll never scare you y/n, I'm your protector remember, no spirit stands a chance against me, I'm strong while they're weak.'

A laugh leaves your lips as you turn around in his arms to face him, 'speaking ill of the dead? They'll hear you but they can't do anything about it.'

Aaron snorts, 'I don't want to ruin the mood, but why do we both sound like Zak all of the sudden. We don't taunt, we just get used as bait.'

You slap his chest, before reaching up to capture his face in your hands and kiss him on the lips. The sudden gesture takes Aaron off guard, until he kisses you back, the two of you melting into each other's embrace.

'can you two save that for tonight please,' Zak interrupts, clearing his throat behind Aaron, 'thank god the camera wasn't on, you'd scar poor Billy.'

You pull out of the kiss and bury your face in Aaron's chest while he shoots Zak a rather colourful gesture, 'dude, creeper much?'

Zak laughs loudly, 'gross Aaron, y/n's my cousin and you're my best friend. I came to see why the final camera wasn't turned on.'

You hear Zak walk away from the room still laughing loudly, only then do you raise your now red face from Aaron's chest. He chuckles and strokes your cheek, 'despite his denial, your cousin is a creeper y/n?'

You click your tongue, 'maybe he is, maybe he isn't. I should turn the camera on.'

Aaron lets you go reluctantly and watches you fiddle with the camera settings, 'we have to promise each other here and now that we don't let Zak talk us into making out on camera tonight.'

You nod, 'oh I agree, I'm pretty sure we can rile the spirits up during the day, no matter if it scars Billy or makes Zak laugh. We may sound like Zak from time to time, but some things are private.'

Once the camera is set up and turned on Aaron pulls you to the side and whispers in your ear, 'I'm pretty sure we can find a room without a camera.'

You feel your cheeks blush, 'as long as it has some sort of barrier to keep Zak or Billy out I'm down,' you whisper back.

Aaron takes your hand in his, your fingers entwining, and guides you out of the bedroom to find somewhere more secluded to makeout without a human audience.

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