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It had taken longer than you would have liked, but you'd finally found your dream apartment in Vegas. After spending the last two years travelling around Europe never staying in a place longer than two weeks it would be nice not living out of a suitcase and finally being able to call a place home. You'd told your work that you'd like to be located more stateside and they agreed because of how much hard work you put into assignments.

You were a paranormal photographer for a paranormal magazine, who travelled to haunted locations around the world, took photos and learnt the history of the location and hauntings which were then put into the articles within the magazine that potential investigators could look at and decide if they wanted to check the place out. It was great being able to put your degree to good use, being a history graduate meant your articles were more accurate and interesting than others. The job also allowed you to pursue your love of photography, not many people got their dream job.

The first couple of weeks in the apartment felt fine, little things happened but you put it down to the fact this was the longest you'd stayed somewhere so your body and mind were adjusting to the change. It was an old building so there was going to be the odd draft and cold spot the heating didn't quite reach, but Vegas was going through a heatwave and certain areas of your apartment felt like you were walking into a freezer when you should have been sweating. Most people who thought they might be haunted would have been more concerned, but you had enough practice to know how to keep calm. So you go out and buy some cameras which you place around your apartment hoping to catch anything, and if the results came back negative you were overthinking cold spots.

A job in Texas took you out of Vegas for a week, and even though you could monitor the cameras from your tablet, work was a lot to handle so you put your apartment to the back of your mind. However upon returning the atmosphere in the apartment felt wrong from the second you stepped over the threshold, maybe being in a haunted building in Texas had heightened your senses. You walk into your makeshift office and log into the security system and sit back in your desk chair not quite sure what you were going to capture.

'What the hell?' you gasp loudly, sitting forward in the chair, staring wide-eyed at the screen.

You were checking out the camera in the hallway and after some rewinding, there was a very clear apparition floating up and down the hallway, however, you couldn't see any facial features or clothes like most people assumed you could when seeing an apparition. This was only the first camera and the volume wasn't even turned on. You needed to reach out to an old friend and hope he could help.


I'd just gotten back from a draining investigation when my phone pings with a message from an old friend. y/n and I went back years, their work actually helped Ghost Adventures choose a few locations to investigate where we got our best activity. We'd met at an event and hit it off, but I hadn't seen them since they moved to Vegas due to both our jobs getting in the way. I open the message.

Y/N: Hi Jay, I need your help. My new apartment is haunted, I caught this on one of my cameras.

Attached to the message was a video, and when I squinted at the phone screen my eyes widen seeing an apparition floating down a hallway I assumed was in y/n's apartment. Only y/n would go and get themselves a haunted home.

JAY: I'll bring over some equipment, send me your address...this is one way to catch up

Y/N: Thanks Jay, I'll buy you a coffee or two when it's all over.

y/n also sends me their address and I grab my laptop which had a program I could check out any audio on, along with some equipment I needed to return to Zak but y/n was more important right now. I guess I could sleep once I knew y/n was okay.


I buzz y/n's apartment number and the front door opens, the fact that y/n didn't greet me or even ask who it was concerned me. I take the lift up to the second floor and quickly find y/n's apartment which was in the corner of the building. I try the front door and it opens, this really wasn't a good sign.

'Err y/n, It's Jay,' I call out, entering the apartment.

Vegas was in a heatwave but y/n's apartment was ice cold.

'Jay,' y/n says to my right, making me jump.

I hold my heart, 'at least wait until I check out your footage before giving me a heart attack.'

y/n smiles and motions for me to follow them, 'sorry, I'm too engrossed in the footage. There is something on each camera Jay, I think it's the same apparition as the height matches, one spirit I can handle.'

I shake my head and follow y/n into an office. y/n points at her own computer, 'feel free to do your thing, Jay. Can I get you a coffee?'

I nod, 'a coffee would be great.'

y/n leaves the office and I get set up, putting my laptop down on the desk and fire it up so I can access my audio program, 'y/n, do you know the history of this place?' I shout.

'Give me a second Jay,' y/n shouts back, 'it's very interesting.'

I roll my eyes at how calm y/n was being. Then again with what they did for a living y/n had learnt to toughen up. I isolate the audio from the cameras and send it over to my laptop just as y/n returns holding two cups of coffee.

'This place was built to help with the Influenza pandemic from 1918 to 1919, a lot of people died here. It then was empty for eleven years before being transformed into an asylum that didn't have the cleanest bill of health when it came to looking after patients. It shut down before opening as an orphanage between 1940 and 1965, a handful of child deaths were reported but a lot of abuse took place here. It was then empty for fifteen years before being transitioned into a retirement home until 1990, no deaths were recorded but doctors and residents didn't feel comfortable being in the building. And then finally after binge empty for twenty-five years, it opened as apartments in 2015, and now you're up to date Jay.'

I chuckle, 'there really is no stopping you y/n, you like the details. I'm running the audio from the hallway camera, my program should be able to isolate anything.'

y/n comes to stand next to me and I take the coffee they offer, 'a place with that much history of disease, death and abuse is bound to trap spirits and probably not the friendliest.'

I had to agree with y/n. Then my program tells me it's done running analysis and y/n crouches down to be closer to the laptop so I press play and turn the volume up as loud as it would go. There is nothing for a good few minutes, then a raspy male voice comes through muttering y/n's name before going silent once more. y/n was so engrossed in the recording when most people would freak out at such clear audio evidence. We continue to listen when after a couple of minutes the raspy voice starts muttering 'die', before adding y/n's name into the mix pretty much repeating 'die y/n' over and over again.

y/n clicks their tongue, 'well that's new Jay.'

I stop the recording and clear my throat, 'I'm going, to be honest with you y/n, that doesn't sound friendly, especially telling you to die in your own apartment.'

y/n looks up at me and shakes their head, 'I'm not going anywhere this place is a dream and the rents are cheap. I have you to help me right Jay? You'll help me out with this.'

I run my fingers through my hair and sigh loudly, 'I forgot how stubborn you are y/n. Fine, I'll help, but I'd like to get the others in on this, that way we can communicate with the spirit better. Do you agree?'

y/n stands up and claps their hands together, 'yay, call them Jay. Now I'm going to order us some food because I want all this footage checked out.'

Once y/n had their heart set on something there was no changing their mind. Maybe, Zak, Aaron and Billy could convince her that this apartment might not be safe. But for now, it looked like I wasn't going anywhere, and I felt better being able to keep an eye on y/n in case they did something impulsive that annoyed the spirit unintentionally. The guys made fun of me because I had a small crush on y/n and hadn't acted on it despite us both being single and cool around one another. Maybe this spirit could bring us closer, maybe I could man up and confess my feelings one day. 

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