Zak (Request)

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It was usually Zak's great idea to send you into places on your own just like he did with Aaron knowing the two of you scared easily which made for great evidence and TV. However today it was Nick, your older brother's idea to send you to the other half of the asylum the crew were investigating not because it would get good evidence but he'd found out you and Zak were on and off dating and didn't want the two of you being in the same room on an investigation anymore.

Ever since you'd told Zak that Nick had found out it was safe to say Zak was freaking out. Everyone knew his reputation including your brother which was why he didn't approve, but outside of social media and the show Zak was a great guy and made you feel special. You assumed he'd end things with you to make things easier, but instead, he'd chosen to ignore you.

'You got everything y/n?' Jay asks.

You nod and check yourself over before hoisting the camera onto your shoulder, 'I'm all good Jay, tell the two grumpy pants if anything happens to me I'm coming back to haunt their asses.'

Jay chuckles before nudging you out of nerve centre.

Zak, Nick and Aaron were already in different parts of the asylum so you head to the farthest building trying your hardest not to trip over anything in the dark, it wouldn't be a ghost that got you but your own clumsiness. You'd first come on the show to help billy with nerve, but then Jay came on board and instead of throwing you to the curb your brother actually got you on as an investigator which was amazing. It didn't take much to scare you but you felt you had something to prove which was why you agreed to this. Zak and Aaron had protested, but Nick wasn't having any excuses.

You push open the door to what was once the children's ward and immediately a wave of dread and nausea overcome you, there wasn't anything nice in this room with you. You see the camera set up in the corner and wave at Jay and Billy so they know you've made it in one piece. 

'Okay, I know there's something in here with me so I'm not going to ask any dumb questions,' you call out, 'speak into this box.'

You sit in the middle of the room and turn on the spirit box not expecting anything to come through however when the box turns itself off you find it odd since it had a full battery. You turn the box back on and sit there listening to the noise.

'' a disembodied male voice comes through the box making you jump.

'Pick one what?' you ask back, feeling lightheaded.

'Brother...lover...' it replies, almost as if it was hissing at you.

You gulp, you were dealing with something intelligent if it was able to communicate this clearly and know a bit about you. Okay, you and Zak hadn't been secretive earlier in the day when you started making out and you were pretty sure you cursed your brother out a few times in nerve.

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