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'This seems like a really bad idea y/n,' I speak up, turning around in my chair in base to face my new fiancee who was getting equipment ready behind me.

'Seems like the best idea though Jay,' y/n replies, picking up a camera before flashing me a heart-melting smile that told me everything was going to be okay.

I sigh loudly, 'surely there has to be another way to get evidence y/n. I can't believe you of all people offered yourself up on a silver platter to an entity who hates women and the very thought of love.'

y/n walks over to me and leans down to peck me on the lips, 'I love you Jay and trust you to have my back watching the monitors. We all know Zak was thinking this but didn't know how to bring it up.'

'Please be careful and don't go full Zak on the thing in case it lashes out,' I reply and quickly kiss them back.

y/n laughs and goes to walk out of the tent, 'only Zak can go full Zak. Keep an eye on me.'


You'd been a part of Ghost Adventures before Jay joined the crew, becoming a full investigator after proving yourself monitoring cameras and being able to get spirits to interact with you when the guys couldn't. As cliche as it sounds when you met Jay it was love at first sight, and no amount of complaining from Zak could break the two of you up as the show couldn't risk losing the two of you. Eventually, Zak came around to the idea once he saw how serious you guys were, and after that, he had no shame exploiting your relationship to piss off male spirits who hated women.

'What did loverboy say?' Aaron jokes as you approach the outside of the crumbling chapel.

You grin widely, 'not to go full Zak, but I told him only Zak could go full Zak.'

Zak scoffs next to you before handing over a spirit box, 'I'm not that bad guys. Now pull out that charm of yours y/n. We'll be in the other building, use the walkie if you need any assistance.'

You salute Zak before stepping over the threshold into the chapel that probably once looked stunning but now had been left to rot in the elements. Turning on the spirit box the noise fills the air and you angle your camera as best as you can to get the box in view while giving you some guidance in the darkness.

'Wow, this place is awful, damm who would ever want to step foot in here,' you call out, waiting for a response that doesn't come.

The hairs on the back of your neck suddenly stand on edge as what feels like a jolt of electricity runs through your body, 'are you affecting me? Wow you really don't have that much power do you, I thought you were a big bad priest who turned to the dark side who scares women. Well, I'm not scared of you.'

GET OUT!  A distorted male voice comes through the spirit box followed by a deep growl.

You scoff, 'I know what you did father, people trusted you, they respected you, but everyone has dirty little secrets and you just couldn't keep your hands off married women.'

You glance on the camera to see the pew closest to you shuffle a little and scrape along the floor like someone was trying to pick it up, 'did I touch a nerve father? Those husbands weren't very happy with you were they? They beat you, left you for dead, and burnt the church down with you still inside.'

The pew continues to move and you manage to get yourself in the frame so no one could say it was you moving the pew, not that you could because those things were heavy after all you'd tried earlier and Zak mocked your lack of muscles which Billy caught on camera.

'Come on father do something else to make me leave,' you call out, trying to sound as bored and unimpressed as you could.

'Y/N! COME IN!' Jay's voice coming from your waistband makes you jump and drop the spirit box. 

Cursing you drop to your knees to retrieve it knowing Zak would be annoyed if it got damaged. A loud whooshing sound over your head followed by something heavy clattering to the floor behind you shakes you to the core, 'what the actual hell.'

Scrambling around with the camera you swing it around and keep it low to the floor trying to find the source of the noise, 'did something just fly at me?'

Keeping low to the floor in case anything else came at you, after a minute you gulp finding a rather large metal cross that wasn't there before lying crooked and ominous, 'that's one way to test someone's faith.'

'Y/N ARE YOU OKAY?' Jay shouts, and you look up to see him stood in the doorway followed by Billy.

You nod and quickly get back to your knees, then you remember Jay interrupting you on the walkie and you put two and two together, 'did you know that was going to happen Jay?'

He nods as you approach him, 'on one of the static cameras near the altar where the cross came from I saw it shaking violently and well I assumed what was going to happen next and tried to warn you.'

You push the camera and spirit box in Billy's open hands before throwing your arms around Jay's shoulders, 'ah I knew you'd have my back.'

Jay hugs you back, 'still want a church wedding y/n?'

You throw your head back and laugh loudly, 'as long as all the crosses and pews are bolted down a church wedding it is.'

Billy mumbles something under his breath about you and Jay being soppy, but you didn't care at the moment because Jay had your back as you had his, very soon till death do us part.

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