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It was safe to say that all of you knew very little about the location you were investigating. There were so many rumours about its history you didn't know what you were walking into. But all Zak needed to know was that it was haunted by something and it would make great tv finding out what.

While Zak and Aaron set up for an interview with the owner you and Billy were tasked with setting up the cameras and equipment inside. Usually, Jay would help but due to a broken foot after being pushed down some stairs at a previous location he was banished to set up the monitors and put his foot up. During the day the house felt fine, it felt like you were being watched but no harm would come to you until the sun went down.

You walk out of the kitchen and bump into Billy who was standing frozen by the door under the stairs that led to the basement, 'you okay Billy? Is it locked?'

Billy snaps out of his trance, 'is it just me who gets a bad vibe from whatever's on the other side of the door y/n?'

You put your hand on the handle and chills run down your spine but nothing too intense, 'just a bit cold. Zak wants cameras in the basement as it's the first time the owner is letting anyone down there since they started renovations. I'll go down if you're scared Billy,' you joke.

'Thank you y/n,' Billy replies and hands you two cameras.

You roll your eyes, 'you do know Zak will send you down there later alone when he finds out it makes you nervous. Stay guard at the top in case I need any help and your secret is safe with me.'

Billy nods and steps back as you open the basement door, a musty smell hitting your nostrils making you gag a little. You turn on a flashlight and begin the trek down into the darkness.


I had to get some extra cables from the van for the monitors, but pause as I walk by Zak interviewing the owner, and what he says next chills me to the bone.

'Be careful of the basement, when we were ripping up the floor we found someone had carved a summoning circle in the middle of the room. We all get bad vibes going down there alone.'

I hobble into the tent and find Billy standing by the basement door with y/n nowhere in sight on the monitors. I grab a walkie-talkie, and when I try to contact y/n I get no response and a bunch of static. So I tune into Billy's instead.

'Billy, It's Jay, have you seen y/n?'

'In the basement, why?' Billy responds, voice crackling over the walkie talkie.

In the corner of my eye, I see a monitor come to life and y/n appears on screen trying to angle a camera in the basement.

'Billy get y/n out of there, there's a dangerous summoning circle the owner said!'

I watch the monitor as Billy tries and fails to open the basement door, 'err Jay it's stuck. I'll try and bang to get y/n's attention.'

'Jay, what is going on? Why is Billy shouting in the house?' Zak demands entering the tent with Aaron behind him.

'y/n went down to the basement to put cameras up before I heard about the circle, I can't reach them on the walkie talkie and now Billy says the door won't open,' I reply, words coming out fast because I was worried about y/n.

'Look, Billy must have gotten y/n's attention,' Aaron says, pointing at the monitor before his eyes widen, 'oh shit! There's something behind y/n.'

Just then the camera feed dies and worry turns to dread. We needed to get y/n out of the basement. Zak and Aaron run out of the tent leaving me to hobble behind on crutches. When y/n first joined the crew they got trapped in a basement by an evil entity and didn't have a good experience until Aaron was able to break the door down. The incident freaked y/n out but they bounced back stronger, I prayed we didn't have a repeat as none of us knew what lurked around inside the house.

By the time I get inside the house, Aaron and Zak are taking turns to ram the door while Billy paces.

'How's y/n?' I ask out loud.

Billy stops pacing, 'something spooked y/n and I can tell they are trying to keep calm to not feed whatever's down there their fear.'

Zak goes to ram the door and to everyone's surprise, it simply swings open on its own. That was pretty freaky. y/n walks out looking pale and a little shaken.

'I really don't have a good track record with basements do I?' They joke, trying to lighten the mood.

'Good to see you're okay y/n, we captured a shadow behind you,' Zak explains.

y/n nods and makes their way over to me, 'I guess it lulled me in with a false sense of security because I didn't feel anything negative like Billy did. Have fun in the basement tonight guys because no way in hell am I going back down there.'

Zak, Aaron and Billy cautiously make their way into the basement leaving y/n and I alone. I hug y/n with one arm and they chuckle before pulling something out from beneath their jumper. I'd gotten everyone blessed pendants which only I and y/n seemed to wear for safety and protection.

'I'm never taking this off Jay, thank you.'

I smile, 'at least I know one of you listens to me. Now let's get back to nerve and watch the three of them freak out.'

y/n matches my smile and the two of us leave the house, hoping neither of us had to step foot in there till morning.

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