Part 3

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After school...

Alvin's POV:

Me and Evelyn walked in the park together

"So who's your father?" I asked

"Lan Hawks" Evelyn replied

And I stopped walking



We were running away

End of flashback...

I realized that Evelyn is kissing me

I pushed her

"Something wrong Alvin?" Evelyn asked concerned

"Your father is Lan Hawks and he captured me and my brothers and the chipettes!!!" I shouted

"He's not like that anymore" Evelyn said

"Can we just be friends?" I asked

Evelyn nodded

I remembered my feelings for Brittany

I gasped

"Brittany" I said

"Huh?" Evelyn asked

I ran to the girl's tree house

I knocked

Jeanette opened the door

"Oh, Hi Alvin. If your here to see Brittany, She doesn't want you to come in I'm sorry" Jeanette said

"I need to see her, Jeanette!" I said

"I'm sorry Alvin" Jeanette said and slammed the door in my face

I sighed

I climbed up the tree to me and my brothers bedroom

"Alvin! So how was your date with Evelyn?" Simon asked

I flopped on my bed

"I don't wanna talk about it" I said sadly

"What's wrong?" Theodore asked

"Evelyn's father is Lan Hawks" I said

They gasped

"The man who tried to CAPTURE US?!?!" Simon asked

I nodded

"He has a daughter?!" Theodore asked

"He just adopted her" I said

"You can not date Evelyn, Alvin!" Simon said

"I don't wanna date Evelyn, I just wanna be friends with her" I said

"That's alright, If she doesn't try to capture us" Simon said

"She said that Lan retired from his evil ways" I said

"I don't believe him!" Simon said

"Me too Alvin, He's scary" Theodore said

"How about Brittany? You still love her right?" Simon asked

"Of course I do!" I said immediately sitting up

"You forgot your feelings for Brittany when you met Evelyn, didn't you?" Simon asked

I sighed and nodded

"Lets talk about it in the morning, We do have our holiday for 4 weeks" Theodore said

"Yeah, Lets tell Dave if we can have a cruise day! I bet that really would cheer Alvin up" Simon said looking at me

"I guess" I said

We all prepared for bed

After 10 minutes...

My brothers were asleep except for me

I can't stop thinking about Brittany

I decided to text her

In text...

Me: Hi Brittany

Brittany: Ugh, What do you want Alvin? Aren't you supposed to be snuggling with your new girlfriend Evelyn?!

Me: Her father is Lan Hawks

Brittany: Well good luck to you -_-

Me: I forgot my feelings for you Britt

Brittany: Now you know!

Me: I'm really sorry

Brittany: Its okay Alvin but I have to get a little space from you to think about something

Me: I understand

Brittany: Good night Alvin

Me: Night Britt

Ends text...

I put my phone in my nightstand and drifted off the sleep

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