Part 1: New Chipette on the block!

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At Lan Hawks mansion....

Lan Hawks adopted Evelyn to make him famous! But he's already rich

Evelyn's POV:

I was in the music room practicing my voice

When my dad came in

"Hi Lan" I said

"Your still not used to calling me dad, huh?" Lan asked

"No" I said

"Its fine, sweetie. But I was thinking, You should go to school" Lan said

I groaned

"UGH! Lan, If this is about getting the chipmunks and chipettes I'm out!" I said

"No its not, really! I don't feel like getting them since your mother broke up with me" Lan said

"Cause your a psycho! I only stayed with you because mom didn't want me" I said

"I know, I just want you to have a normal life, okay?" Lan asked

I nodded

"You'll go to school tomorrow" Lan said

"Okay" I said

Lan walked out

I breathed in

(Just to let you know The Chipette's mother is Mrs. Miller but she died then she came to live with Dave and the chipmunks, Dave built them a treehouse to live in which is next to Dave's house)

Alvin's POV:

I was eating breakfast with my brothers and the chipettes

After we ate breakfast we got ready for school

Me and my brothers fetch the girls so we can go to school altogether

I knocked

I secretly have a crush on Brittany

Brittany opened the door

She looks beautiful

"Hi boys" Brittany said

(Simon and Jeanette are dating, Eleanor and Theodore are dating)

"Hey Britt, Is Jeanette ready yet?" Simon asked

"You and Theodore can see Eleanor and Jeanette" Brittany said

They walked in except me

"You look nice, Britt" I complimented

Brittany was surprised by my compliment

"Thanks Alvin, You look nice too" Brittany complimented back

I blushed

Brittany smiled

After 3 minutes...

Everyone came out and we walked to school

We walked in

My first class was with Brittany

We were heading for our first class when I bumped into a girl

Her books fell down

I picked it up

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