Part 8: Albrittina Date!❤️

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Brittany's POV:

I got ready

(My outfit, heels, etc

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(My outfit, heels, etc.)

Alvin's POV:

I got ready to pick up my beautiful girlfriend Brittany

At 8:00 pm...

I got in my car that Dave brought me that is just my size

I hopped in put my seatbelt on and drove to Brittany's house

I stopped at the drive way and ring the door bell

The door opens and I saw Brittany

Brittany's POV:

As I opened the door I saw Alvin!!!

He looks so handsome😍

"Hi Britt, You look gorgeous" Alvin complimented

"Thanks Alvin" I replied blushing

"Shall we?" Alvin asked

"We shall" I said

We go in Alvin's car and he opened the door for me in the front seat

We got in the car and put our seatbelts on and drive to the park

I thought he was gonna give me flowers or something not fetch me regularly without anything

"Thinking something?" Alvin asked curiously

"Uh, Yeah" I said

We arrived at the park...

We got out of the car

Who am I expecting? Alvin's not the gentlemen type

"Where do you wanna go first?" Alvin asked

"Um... Ooh! How about the Ferris Wheel?" I asked

"Sure!" Alvin said

I grabbed his hand and we went to the ferris wheel

We got in and it started going up

I saw the view

"WOW, Its so amazing!" I said

"Yeah, Just like you" Alvin said looking at me

I blushed so hard Alvin could see it

Alvin started laughing

Alvin's POV:

My phone started buzzing

I checked it and it was a text from Simon

In text...

Simon: Hey Alvin, How's your date with Brittany?

Me: Its going well until YOU disturbed us

Simon: 😂

Me: Shut up Simon, Why did you text me?

Simon: Jeanette said if we could all hang out together with you and Brittany

Me: WHAT?! I wanted to be alone with Brittany

Simon: Its just for one time, Maybe we could go to a restaurant?

Me: Ugh fine, What restaurant?

Simon: The divine food, Theodore suggested it

Me: That place is too fancy!

Simon: Ugh!

Me: Fine! What time?

Simon: In an hour.

Me: Fine, See ya bro

Simon: Bye Alvin

Ends text...

"Who was it?" Brittany asked suspiciously

"Simon" I answered

"What did he say?" Brittany asked

"He wants to have dinner with all of us" I said

"Ooh! I am starving" Brittany said

"Me too" I said

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