Part 10: Telling Dave

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Alvin's POV:

Me and Brittany walked home

Or my home

We saw Jeanette, Simon, Theodore, Eleanor and Dave in the couch waiting for us

We stand in front of the couch

"Thank you for coming to this meeting" I said

"What's wrong Alvin?" Dave asked

"Nothings wrong with me, Dave. Somethings wrong with Jeanette Miller, Eleanor Miller, Theodore Seville and Simon Seville!" I said

"They don't like me and Alvin DATING!!" Brittany shouted

Dave looked at them with disappointed face

"Were sorry Dave, We weren't comfortable with them dating" Eleanor said

"Eleanor, Jeanette, Simon, Theodore. That isn't nice to say, Apologize to Alvin and Brittany immediately!" Dave said

"Were sorry Alvin anf Brittany" They said

Me and Brittany smiled

(The Chipettes are living with Mrs. Miller, I think you already know that)

Their was a ding dong

Dave opened it and it was Mrs. Miller

(Mrs. Miller is Brittany, Jeanette and Eleanor's grandmother. Their mother's name is Jane and Their father's name is James. Their out of town for the month)

(Alvin, Simon and Theodore's father is Dave and their mother is Julie Logan's Mother from the cartoon on Alvinnn and the Chipmunks Logan's mom, Dave and Julie are married and Logan is half brothers with Alvin, Simon and Theodore. Their at California for 3 months)

"Oh Hi Mrs. Miller" Dave said

"Hello David, I'm just here to pick up my granddaughters Jeanette, Brittany and Eleanor" Mrs. Miller said

"Oh yes, their right here and Mrs. Miller, Eleanor and Jeanette said that they didn't like Alvin and Brittany dating so I thought you could talk to them" Dave said

"Of course, David. Girls! Lets go" Mrs. Miller said

"Bye Alvy" Brittany said and kissed my cheek and went to Mrs. Miller with her sisters

 Miller with her sisters

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(Jane. The Chipettes Mother)

 The Chipettes Mother)

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(James. The Chipettes father)

 The Chipettes father)

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(Julie. The Chipmunks mother)

 The Chipmunks mother)

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(Logan. The Chipmunks half brother)

Mrs. Miller and the chipettes left the house

"Simon, Theodore. You two are grounded for saying those things to Alvin and Brittany" Dave said

"WHAT!!" Theodore and Simon shouted

"Im never grounded!! This can't be happening!!" Simon said

"Y-Yeah, I can't believe it too" Theodore said

"Well boys, You deserve it" I said

"ALVINNNNNNN!!" Simon shouted

"Go to your rooms" Dave said

Theodore and Simon went to their rooms

"You too Alvin, you have school tomorrow" Dave said and walked to his room

I walked to my room and put my PJS on

Me, Simon and Theodore share the same room

My bed was in the middle and Simon's bed is in the right and Theodore's bed is in the left

Simon and Theodore were already asleep

I turned off my light and drift off to sleep😴

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