Part 6: Back Together

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Brittany's POV:

I feel so bad for Alvin

"I'm so sorry Alvin" I said

"Its not your fault, Britt" Alvin said

"Since you and Evelyn are not together anymore, maybe we can... get back together?" I asked

Alvin looked at me blankly and smiled brightly

"Yeah!!" Alvin said

I smiled

Alvin kissed my cheek and grabbed his bag and got out of the table and walked away

I sighed dreamily

I squealed

I walked out of the school

I saw Jeanette and Eleanor

I ran to them and hugged them laughing

"Why are you so happy Britt?" Eleanor asked

"Oh Ellie, the most unbelievable thing has happened to me!" I said

"What is it?" Jeanette asked

"Me and Alvin are back together!!" I shouted

Annie came to us

(Amber is from the Alvin in the Chipmunks cartoon)

(Amber is from the Alvin in the Chipmunks cartoon)

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"O m gosh! Your dating Alvin Seville?" Annie asked

"Yeah!" I said

"Just to let you know, Alvin is only dating you for fame!" Annie said and walked away

I looked at my sisters

"What does she mean?" I asked

"Alvin became popular so every girl he dates becomes popular with him too that's why everybody listens to Evelyn, since Evelyn and Alvin break up everyone stopped listening to her and starts listening to you" Jeanette said

I smiled

"Really?!" I asked smiling

"Really, Your popular now!" Eleanor said

Evelyn walked to me angrily

I was terrified inside

"W-What do y-y-y-you w-w-want E-E-E-Evelyn?" I asked cracking

"MY BOYFRIEND BACK!!" Evelyn shouted at me

"I... He chose me!" I said to her with confidence

"He, chose you?" Evelyn asked

I nodded smiling

Evelyn started laughing really hard

"What?" I asked

She stops laughing

"He would NEVER choose you, Brittany" Evelyn said and walked away laughing

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