Part 4

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The Next Day...

Alvin's POV:

I woke up by Theodore nudging me

"Alvin, Are you awake?" Theodore asked

I sat up

"Of course I am! Who wouldn't be awake by someone nudging them!" I said

"Sorry Alvin, Simon asked me to do this" Theodore said

Simon walked in

"Good morning, Alvin" Simon greeted

"Hey Simon" I said

"Dave said were going on a cruise trip tomorrow with the girls!" Simon said happily

"YAY!" Theodore said happily too

I frowned

"Yay" I said sadly and sarcastically

"What's wrong Alvin? Why aren't you exited?" Simon asked concerned

"Me and Brittany had a little fight yesterday at school and she said she doesn't want to see me or talk to me or even touch me for a while!" I said

"Yeesh" Theodore said

Jeanette and Eleanor came in on our window with their zip lines

"Hi Boys" Jeanette said and walked in with Eleanor

"Where's Brittany?" I asked

"Oh, she's shopping" Eleanor said

"Oh okay" I said

"Why?" Eleanor asked suspiciously

"Nothing" I said

"Were actually gonna go out too" Simon said

"Simon, The science exhibit is today!!" Jeanette said

"Theo, there are free deserts in the bakery and only today we have to go!" Eleanor said

"What about our boys day out?" I asked

"Um, maybe tomorrow" Simon said and left with Jeanette

"Sorry Alvin" Theodore said and left with Eleanor

I sighed

My phone buzzed

It was a text from Evelyn

In text...

Evelyn: Hi Alvin

Me: Hi Evelyn, What's up?

Evelyn: My dad wanted you to come over with Brittany

Me: Nope, nope, nope! No

Evelyn: Why not?

Me: He will trap us!

Evelyn: No he won't, I'll be with you guys the whole time

Me: I don't know, Evelyn. I'll have to ask Brittany first

Evelyn: I'll just text her

Me: If she agrees then I'm coming too if she doesn't then nope

Evelyn: Alright, Bye Al

Me: Bye

Ends text...

Evelyn's POV:

"What did he say?" Lan asked

"He won't come unless Brittany comes" I said

"Text her!" Lan said

"Okay!" I said

I texted Brittany

In text...

Me: Hi Brittany

Brittany: Um, who's this?

Me: Its Evelyn

Brittany: Evelyn Hawks, I'm surprised that your father is Lan Hawks!

Me: He's no evil anymore, Brittany!



Brittany: YES YOU ARE!

Me: I'm not, Brittany!

Brittany: What do you want from me, Evelyn?

Me: I just wanted to invite you and Alvin to my home 

Brittany: What did Alvin say?

Me: He'll agree anything you say

Brittany: Then I say... NO!

Me: Please come Brittany

Brittany: Why would I be friends with you when you stole my BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me: Were you guys even dating?

Brittany: uh, No! But we already know we like each other and we'll date soon

Me: Yeah right


Me: Fine, don't come and I'll make sure Alvin never loves you again!

Brittany: What!

Me: Its revenge Brittany

Brittany: I'm going to tell Alvin!

Me: Like he'll believe you after what you said

Brittany: He believes anything I say!

Me: Lets see who wins

Ends text...

Brittany's POV:

I looked worried

She's right, Alvin won't believe anything I say

I'll just tell him tomorrow I guess

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