Part 13: Albrittina Drama

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Brittany's POV:

As me and Cameron were shouting at each other

Alvin jumped in front of me

"BACK OFF CAMERON!!! SHE'S MINE" Alvin shouted at Cameron

"Who said she was yours?" Cameron yelled

Then Alvin and Cameron started fighting each other to win my love!!!

I pulled them off each other

"CAMERON!!! ALVIN!!! Stop fighting! Stop acting like kids" I said

"You can't date Cameron!!" Alvin said

"And you can't date your ex!!" Cameron said

"Cameron, Can you give me and Alvin a minute?" I asked

Cameron nodded and left

I looked at Alvin

"Alvin, I thought you didn't love me!" I said

"I do love you Brittany! I was just upset because you kissed another guy!" Alvin said

"I'm so sorry Alvin, I forgot I had a boyfriend" I said

Alvin looked away mad

I sighed

Simon, Jeanette, Eleanor and Theodore came to us

"Hi Britt, Hi Alvin. What's going on?" Jeanette asked

"Brittany kissed another guy!!!" Alvin shouted

"We know!" They sync

"Brittany forgot that she was dating me!!" Alvin yelled

They looked at me

"W-W-What?" I asked stuttering

"You forgot you were dating Alvin?!" Simon asked

"Yes, OKAY!!!" I shouted irritated

"Jeez Britt" Eleanor said

"What, Eleanor, What???!!!" I asked out of control

"Me, Theodore and Alvin gotta go back home" Simon said


As I was gonna say something they're already gone!

"Britt, Control your anger! Alvin will never love you if your like that!!- I mean, Alvin will love you for who you are" Jeanette said

"Alvin will never love me?" I asked with tears

"No Britt, that's not what I meant!" Jeanette said

I ran back to my mom and dad's house crying

Jeanette's POV:

I feel bad for Brittany

"Did I do the right thing?" I asked

"No you didn't, No you didn't" Eleanor said patting Jeanette's back and left

I broke down crying

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