Part 7

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Brittany's POV:

I had tears om my eyes

"Are you okay Britt?" Jeanette asked concerned

I ran back to my house which me and my sisters shared

Our grandmother Mrs. Miller lives with us but she's out of town for 5 MONTHS!!!!

I ran in and locked the door and ran to my room and locked the door then I flopped on my bed crying

6 minutes later of crying...

I stopped crying and washed my face

My phone buzzed

I looked at the notification and it was FROM ALVIN!

I ran back to my bedroom and sat down

He wanted to have facetime...

I answered the call

In call....

Alvin: Hey Britt, How you doing?

Me: Oh, Hi Alvin, I'm doing fine

Alvin: Really? Cause it doesn't look like it, It looks like you just cried

Me: Oh, I...

Alvin: What happened Britt?

Me: You don't have to know

Alvin: I'm your boyfriend and your my girlfriend so we tell each other what's wrong

Me: OR, your just using me so you could be more popular!! THEN BREAK UP WITH ME AGAIN!!!

Alvin: What?! I would never do that! Who told you that? THAT'S A LIE

Me: Huh?

Alvin: Annie told you right?

Me: Duh, Yes!

Alvin: She only told you that because she wanted us to fight then break up so she can have me!

Me: W-What?!!? Why?!!

Alvin: One, I'm popular. Two, Every girl likes me in the school. And three, Every girl is trying to break up you and me so I can date them


Alvin: Your lucky you told me in time before we had a fight, Britt

Me: So, you really love me?🥺

Alvin: Of course I do Britt

Me: I'm bored in the house. Jeanette is at the science exhibit with Simon and Eleanor is at the cooking competition with Theodore they won't be back for hours!

Alvin: Maybe we can go hang out too

Me: But where will we go?

Alvin: At the park, If you want

Me: I'd love to!

Alvin: Great!! I'll pick you up at 8 pm

Me: Okay, Bye Alvy

Alvin: Bye Britt 😘😘


Ends text...

I sighed dreamily

I got ready

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