Part 16

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Brittany's POV:

Me and my sisters were walking back home

I was so sad

"You okay Britt?" Jeanette asked

"No! Alvin won't talk to me." I said

"Well, you did cheat on him with Cameron" Eleanor said

"But, why does he have to make such a big deal out of it?" I asked

"Brittany, it's 'cheating' do you know what that even means?" Jeanette asked

"Yes. Yes, I do, Jeanette. I'm not dumb" I said

"Okay. But were going to Alvin's house for you to apologize and get you two back together okay?" Eleanor asked

I groaned

"Fine!" I said

"Good." Eleanor said

We arrived at the chipmunks home

"I don't want to knock..." I said

"Me too..." Eleanor said

Jeanette groaned and knocked

Simon opened the door and saw us

Alvin's POV:

I heard a knock but I told Simon to open it

Brittany's POV:

"Oh hi girls. What are you doing here?" Simon asked

"Can I see Alvin?" I asked

"Umm...." Simon said

"Simon, please." I said

Simon sighed

"Fine. Come in" Simon said

I saw Alvin playing video games

"Hi Alvin" I said

Alvin paused the game

Alvin looked at me

"Oh, It's you..." Alvin said

"..." I said

"What  do you want Brittany?" Alvin asked

"I just wanted to say... I'm sorry if I ever hurt you and I'm sorry I cheated on you with Cameron. I just wanted to say that. But, if you don't want to talk to me or be friends with me anymore
I'll accept it. I just came here to say those words." I said

I was walking for the door but Alvin ran to me and grabbed my hand anf pulled me to him

"I never said I didn't want to be friends with you. I'm sorry too. Will you be my girlfriend again?" Alvin asked

I smiled so big

"YES!!" I said

We hugged and kissed

The end. Thank you for reading my readers. I really hoped you like this story and please vote. I'll be doing a new Carvie story. I'm going to post every Thursday and Saturday if I'm free, though. Because sometimes my sisters wants to use my phone cause she doesn't have one. Thank you for reading and Have a nice day! 😁

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