Part 11

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The Next Morning...

Alvin's POV:

I felt someone nudging me so I woke up and sat up

I saw Theodore

"Theodore!" I practically yelled

"Sorry Alvin but were gonna be late for school!" Theodore said

I got up and got ready

I walk downstairs and saw Theodore and Simon ready

"Hey lover boy" Simon teased

I rolled my eyes

"Do you boys want me to drive you to school are you could just walk?" Dave asked

"Um... Just walk, Dave" Simon said

We went to the Chipettes house

I knocked

Mrs. Miller opened the door

"Hello boys, Jeanette and Eleanor's ready, but Brittany's on the phone" Mrs. Miller said

Jeanette and Eleanor walk out and kiss their boyfriends AKA Simon and Theodore

Brittany walked out still on the phone

"Bye girls" Mrs. Miller said and closed the door

We walked to the school

Brittany was still on the phone

"Okay, Bye!" Brittany said and hang up

She put her phone in her pocket

"Who were you calling?" I asked

"Oh, no one!" Brittany said and ran in

"She's talking to a boy" Jeanette said

"A BOY?!" I asked surprised and shocked

"Hopefully she's cheating on you Alvin cause everytime after they call they make kissy sounds and she forgot about you and she had s** with him the night you two got together" Jeanette said

"O my god! I am so sorry Alvin" Simon said

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