Part 12: Is Brittany cheating on Alvin?

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Alvin's POV:

My heart broke

"Its not your fault, Simon" I said

We all walked to class

I sat down in my chair which was beside Brittany and Simon's chairs

I was in the middle of them

"Good morning class" Mrs. Smith said

While Mrs. Smith was teaching...

After class...

We all walk out

I went to my locker and opened it

Brittany walked to me and kissed my cheek

I refused to look at her or kiss her

"Hi Al, You were behaved in class today. I'm so proud of you" Brittany said

"Whatever Brittany! JUST GO BACK TO YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND!!!" I shouted at her

Brittany looked at me with tears

"I'm sorry I made out with another boy, Alvin! I'm sorry!" Brittany said begging for me to forgive her

"NO BRITTANY! WERE DONE!" I shouted at her and walked away

Brittany's POV:

I watched as Alvin left

I cried harder and ran away from school

I stopped at a tree in the side walk

He doesn't know that I was calling my mom!!!

I cried

I saw the boy who kissed me

Cameron, Evelyn's boyfriend. Evelyn doesn't know that Cameron is cheating on her

I stood up and wiped my tears

"Hi Brittany" Cameron said in a flirtatious way

"Cameron. What do you want?!!!" I yelled/asked

"Nothing. I heard that you and Alvin Seville broke up" Cameron said

I looked at him blankly


"Hey, I told you it was an accident" Cameron said

"2 times!! " I shouted

"I just liked you that's all" Cameron said

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